Ritchie x Michael

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So I remember what I wanted to say. Even though you requested first I will always do the one that has a plot to it legit give me anything you can even say Harry Potter and I would create anything also I've never had a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Anyways onto the oneshot also TW mention of death

Ritchie POV
Me and Michael were having a mini fight and this made Austin upset. Michael looked at me and said "I'm leaving I'll be back when I asked for your opinion." I dont know why we started arguing we were only playing uno. I jist sat down and cried untol Austin came up to me and hugged me. "Mama is just grumpy right now he will come back." I looked at him and smiled knowing it was fake but it made him happy. Austin went up to his room to sleep. I stayed up waiting for Michael to come back but he never did. It was a very cold night so maybe I should look for him. I got up and put my coat on and began looking. I was walkign by the water until I saw Michael looking cold. I go over to him and say "Hey you're shivering. You're going to end up with a cold." "Go away Ritchie I rather die then live another life with you." I looked down and smiled and gave him my really warm fuzzy coat. I out it around him and waved bye going back home. He is going to regret saying that. I got into the house and told Austin to pack all his things. We were going to scare Michael to show him he shouldn't say things that can hurt other people.

Michael POV
I feel bad he even gave me his favorite fuzzy coat. Why am I a screw up. I should apologize to him and Austin. I start to head home and wants I get there I open the door and saw all of their stuff was gone. I looked outside and heard snoring. I look in a bush and see Austin and Ritchie cuddling eachother sleeping. I jist skoled and saw a note in his hand. I read it 'Michael never say things like that. You deserve to live and you mean the most to us. We need the mama bear in this family. We aren't actually leaving you we just wanted you to show you that your action has consequences. I hope you still love us and forgive us for this cruel prank. Love Ritchie & Austin.' As I read the note I moved Austin into out room with his stuff then I moved Ritchie into our room and lay him next to Austin. I went over and got in bed with them cuddling them as I began to fall asleep. I realized family means the world to me. I'm glad to have them in my life.

So hopefully this is what yoh meant with not being happy but if its not holefully you still enjoy it 😀 see you in the next one! Also I hope I didn't sound mean in the announcement at the top.

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