Collin x Nad

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This is a continuation from your my team mates or something like that. Now in this oneshot Nad and Collin start to hang out while Collin's brothe fights over Bri. Nad just talks to Collin so he can be distracted from all of that. Now onto the oneshot.

Collin POV
I was watching as Austin and Seek fight over Bri. I feel like I'm always left out. Why do they always get the dates I'm just the brother that lives in their shadow. I'm not important like them. I just sign but I guess Nad noticed.

I was watching as Collin had a sad face. He then sign and that's when I knew something was up. "Hey Collin what's wrong?" "Well you see, I've never had a girlfriend or boyfriend like them. They always get everyone. I'm just the brother that lives in their shadows." "You are your own person. They are nothing like you. You are amazing, funny, and control your brothers." "You're just saying that to make me feel better." "I'm not I'm being honest. I've never seen someone who cares for their brothers as much as you do Collin." He let a tiny smile show. "Thank you Nad I needed that." "No problem bro I'm here for you. Plus your other brothers are ugly as heckles." Collin just laughed. "How comes the other haven't heard us?" Collin just signed. "They are loud when it comes to them fighting." I just made and O face. "So basically if you try to talk over them they won't here you?" "Yup so that's why I'm not breaking up the fight." "Well if it's annoying you we can go to my room and watch a movie. Maybe Moana cause I've never watched it." "Yea lets go." We head up to my room and we start to watch Moana. I didnt notice that both of our hands were interwined until we both looked down and blushed. "Hey Nad I know we just met but I think I like you." "I like you to Collin. But for now lets take it slow and see where things go." "Yea I would like that." We ended up cuddling all night.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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