Choice B) (Continue The Story)

Start from the beginning

"The sandbox... around the back of the school. I convinced another student -a trustworthy one, don't worry- to dig a hole to bury him alive in."

Felix tried not to think about what he'd just said, and the fact that he'd meant it. His father chuckled.

"You really are my son."

He said, in a tone Felix couldn't discern the meaning of. Pride? Happiness? He had to resist the urge to smile widely and say in a Theodore voice 'rEaLlY?'. 

"W-*cough*-where are we going?"

Felix asked, hiding the tremor of fear in his voice. His father smiled down at him, which made Felix shiver. He could deny it all he wanted, but his father was.......imposing. That was a good word. Not too much judgement, but still mostly honest.

"I have something to show you. I think it might be of interest to you. But before anything else...did (Y/N) see anything?"

Felix blushed, and coughed again.

"What? No!"

He said nervously.

How does he know? I'm not sure I could trick him into thinking she was of a powerful family line-

But, to his surprise, his father looked considerably calmer.

"Good. Now-"

He said, opening the door to his office.

"As usual, this will stay between us."

His father said coolly. Felix exhaled heavily.

"Of course."

He doesn't know. Not yet, oh thank god. I can figure something out. I still have time, thank the lord.

His father placed his palm on his desk, and a drawer popped open. From inside it, he pulled a keycard, and placed it against an empty space on the wall. The wall made a whirring noise, and opened into a doorway, leading to a dark passage way, that lead down. 

Felix knew the passage. He'd been down it once before, when he was 7. The memory seemed branded into his mind, unremovably, and distinctly. 

He had been curious. He'd wanted to know what his father did in his office, so one day, he convinced Theodore to distract the staff, so he was able to sneak after his father into the office. He'd hid behind a topiary, and watched in amazement as his father opened the passage way.  He'd slunk along behind him, and that was when he saw the goo. There was vat after vat of it, the slimy green stuff, some full of..... experiments, and others containing just the goo. The ones with test subjects had papers on them, while the slime filled ones had none. His father had called out to him. "Come out now, Felix. You are too old for hide and seek.", he'd said. That was when Felix realized his father wasn't alone. The woman was tall, blond, and smiled far too widely. He hadn't liked her then, and he sure as hell didn't now that she was his principal. She had said something about an experiment, and that was when the thing came. She stood as straightly as Felix did, her eyes were wide open, and she smiled with all of her perfectly white, straight teeth. That was the monster that now had a name. Penny. And now (Y/N) of all people was allied with her. She had been drinking the goo, and her eyes had an odd, hazy quality. 

After conversation went back and forth between the woman, and his father, and the two had left through an exit he hadn't noticed, his father had clamped a hand on his shoulder, and looked him straight in the eye, saying "This stays between us.". 

Back then, he hadn't noticed the other side of the passage, forking off in another direction, or it had been added since. But now that was the passage he was being lead down.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now