CHAPTER 7: Who is the therapist?

Start from the beginning

"Actually I searched for you online and hacked some databases to find you." Sinking deeper into the couch and covering his eyes with his arms.

He looked tired though almost like he didn't sleep a wink last night, if I wasn't so busy hating him I would have noticed that earlier. Instinctively I drew the shades, knowing the light hurt his eyes or worsened a tension headache cause he looked so pale and winced with pain intermittently.

"If your head hurts you should see a doctor. You don't think, searching me out and admitting to cyber stalking me is weird?" This time around I parked my bum at the edge of the table staring at him.

"Why are you here Tolulope?" I asked again.

"For a counselling session. I like the way you call my name; your British accent and all" shrugging his shoulder like the answer was obvious.

"You are in the army right? They should have their own in-house counsel for security reasons. Even if want to help you which I don't, I can't."

He folded his hands on his chest and studied me, something he seems to enjoy doing. I reached out to tuck a piece of curl behind my ear something I did whenever I felt nervous. A part of me felt alive, felt intrigued.

Like what you see?

"Why did you run away last night?"

"Because I was drunk and I did something foolish which I regretted immediately." Moving farther away from him,"Also I am sorry, it was wrong of me to touch you without your permission and it has to be taken seriously for both sexes."

"Hmn" a deep grutal sound was his reply. Gathering his coat in his arm he walked to the door.

"Wait! Is that all you're going to say?" I shouted as he turned the door knob.

He was just going to leave after giving me an hmmmn answer?

"What else is there to say Elizabeth? You should have appointments from 9:am."

"How do you know that? You really hacked me? Are you insane?" I shouted in anger.

My patients record and scheduling was private, he could have my license revoked for this.

"Well I've been trying to tell you since morning that I'm not sane. Do you know that when you get angry a fire lit up in your eyes, like you can take on anything in your path"

"I can have you arrested right now. Is this a joke to you? Do you know what privacy means, the fact that even if you can access it due to your skills doesn't mean you should. I am sorry for kissing you but checking me out to know my routines and details is creepy" I shouted.

"I am sorry." bowing his head slightly.

I breathed in to calm myself down knowing I just let my trigger off on him. I'll write you a reference letter to see someone really good"

"I want you." Three simple words with puppy eyes, which was supposed to have a different one than the ones my mind was conjuring. He was standing with his back to the door.

He wants you!

Jeez shut up. It isn't even that kind of want.

You should tell him to go, you should tell him to go! Tell him to go.

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