Chapter 64: You'd Think I'd Be Better At This

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I get up, scanning my environment. I walk around my room, it's slightly different from how I remember it.

There's fewer photo frames, and those that are there contain pictures of Park and I, a few being of my Dad and I.

My dad.


"Parker!" I call out running out of my room.

"Juliet?" I hear his voice when I open my door and he runs straight to me, hugging me tightly.

Relief floods me as I lean my head against his shoulder. I hear footsteps come up the stairs, and I'm in an alerted position in an instant.

"Guys, what's with the yelling? Is everything okay?" Dad asks gently, clearly still sleepy.

Parker gives me a what-the-hell stare.

"Sorry, I just had a bad nightmare," I say, still in shock of my father standing in front of me.

"Is everything okay now, honey?"

"Um yeah, I'm fine," I say.

"Okay, then. Let's go back to bed? I'm exhausted," he runs a hand through his greying hair and goes back downstairs.

Parker and I exchange a look. "What was that?"

I just shrug, unable to do anything else.

I hear a whoosh of air and a window open in my room and I look inside, Alden struggles to come in through my window.

"You'd think I'd be better at this considering I've been sneaking around with Myra for over 50 years now," he says and Parker helps him out.

Den finally makes it and stands there, huffing, trying to gain control over his breath. And when he finally stops, he looks at me.

"Oh, darling, come here," he hugs me, laying his chin on my head.

"Guys, can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Parker asks and we look at him.

After Alden explains everything, Parker doesn't react.

"You're... kidding, right?" Park narrows his eyes.

"I know it sounds-"

"No, Alden, it sounds like you're telling me that my best friend doesn't know who I am!"

"It's true and I'm terribly sorry. What Amos did, no one's ever done it before. I used to study what he did theoretically for years as a child, I never thought anyone would be insane enough to do it," Den explains.

"How do we know how our life is here?" I ask.

"Your mind from your timeline has merged with your mind in this timeline. You're still the same person but you have knowledge of this life. Just ask yourself about your parents, and you'll have the answer."

I look at Parker and think about my parents.

They're divorced, my mother never wanted children so she let my father have our custody.

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