Chapter 44: Wildly Curly-Haired

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"Seriously?" I complain when Jenny takes another bite of my ice-cream.

"Sorry," she laughs, not sounding apologetic at all.

"You've got your own right there," I point to the the ice-cream in her hand.

"You can have some if you want," she offers, knowing I won't take it.

"It's peanut butter flavored. Grosse."

"Because strawberry is so much better," she pokes her tongue out.

I gape mockingly. "Don't insult my one true love."

She laughs, looking away. "Isn't Juliet your one true love?"

Suddenly, the noise of the Founder's Day fair falls away.

I halt in my tracks, as does she. Then I burst out in laughter.

"You think J and I- oh, this is gold," I'm wheezing as she glares at me.

"What? You're not hopelessly in love with her?" she asks.

"She's my best friend and I love her, but not like that. I can't even look at her like that," I take a bite of my ice-cream, continuing to walk.

"Wait, so you don't like her?" she asks, catching up to me.

I shake my head to indicate no.

"Oh," her cheeks flush.

"Wait a second, were you jealous?"

"Of course not," she lies, beginning to walk faster.

I catch her elbow. "No, no. Tell me the truth."

Was she really jealous? For me?

She looks at me, dead serious. "Fine, so maybe I was. I don't know what we're doing. I don't know if it's supposed to be exclusive. I thought we could be friends with benefits or shit. And now that we've gotten to know each other, I don't  know..."

Holy crap.

"I understand," I say after a beat. "I mean, I don't know what to do either. I've never liked anyone like this before."

"What did you say?" her hazel eyes snap to mine, the two freckles on her nose highlighted by the sunlight.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I take a breath. She had to know someday. "I guess, I kinda like you."

Wow, smooth.

She grins slowly. "Hmm. Well, then. I guess I kinda like you, too."

"But sometimes, I can't tell apart my attraction and feelings for you," I admit.

She kicks at a pebble, throwing her ice-cream wrapper in the bin. "Right? I mean sometimes I'm like no, I'm just crazy attracted to him. But most of the times..."

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