Chapter 50: These Two Will Combust

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"Come on, let's go with them," Parker suggests.

"These two will combust," Heath laughs, pointing at Ax and well... me.

Mason reinforces. "All the more reason to go." Bored, his twin drags him to their destination, pulling all of us along.

Rolling his eyes, Axel begins to follow Jenny, Juliet and that Cameron guy.

Reaching the oddly sunny parking lot, I see a smokey grey Corvette sitting out of the place, a boy Jenny's age sitting casually on it.

"Hey, Lockwood!" Jenny runs towards him, I can hear the happiness in her voice.

The boy seems stunned by the sound and looks at her, "Holy- Jenny!"

He's off of the car in record speed and the light in his eyes shines brighter by the second as he runs to her. Jen runs into his arms so smoothly that I'm convinced they've done this a million times before.

The only time I see Jenny laugh like that is when we're joking around on my couch, the way her eyes light up and her nose scrunches as she pushes me away after I make a horrible sex joke.

I thought she only laughed like that with me.

Archer and Jenny start saying a lot of words to each other really fast, while laughing and giggling and I don't know what they're talking about 'cause none of us can hear a damn word.

"How can they even hear what they're saying, all I hear is gibberish," Max laughs.

Mase chides teasingly. "Matters of the heart, you won't understand." This earns him a middle finger.

Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm happy for Jenny, seeing her happy makes me happy, really. But I think it's been a good two minutes and his shitty arms are still around her waist. Let's not do that.

"No, seriously, you have to meet him Arch!" Jenny uncharacteristically chirps, dragging her new old friend towards me.

"This is Scar, my," there's a pause in her voice and an unsettled look in her eyes, "friend."

Does she not wanna tell him there's something between us or... am I just being paranoid?

"Hey, I'm Archer," he extends his hand towards me.

I look at it, and then back up to them, not shaking his hand. "Scar."

He retracts his hand slowly, clearly feeling the awkwardness that the girl in his arms couldn't care less about and Jenny pulls him away, introducing her new friends.


First Cam comes back and takes J away from celebrating her birthday with us, and then this guy. The fucking cherry on the fucking icing.

"Who's in trouble now?" Ax asks from next to me.

I just nudge him in the ribs but of course it doesn't faze him because of his not so subtle super strength that he's always flexing in front of me. Yes, brother, I get it. You're strong. Now get away from me.

Did I just say brother? J is making me watch too much Thor and The Vampire Diaries.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse.


"And then she stole the peanut butter," Archer laughs, sitting comfortably next to Jen as she laughs with him, the others joining in as Mr Lockwood finishes narrating his story.

"In my defense, I was hungry," Jenny defends.

"I thought you didn't like peanut butter?" I ask.

Before she can reply, Archer the great chirps in. "Oh please, this girl is obsessed with peanut butter," he laughs.

"Technically, I was just obsessed with stealing it from Mr Paul, the owner of the adoption home," Jenny is quick to explain and I just nod my head.

"Anyways, my zia Francesca is here and so I'm in no rush to go home," she sighs.

"Ugh, I really hate those people," Archer's face scruches up in disgust.

Letting out a laugh, Jenny closes her eyes, leaning her head against his shoulder.

A sting works it's way through my chest. Shit. This is exactly why I was doing fine with the 'don't care about people' policy.

Axel walks back into the room with strawberries in an attempt to distract himself from Cam and J's laughter on the side.

"Those are my strawberries," I snatch the bowl from his hands.

"And I don't care," he snatches it back.

"You-" I pull at the bowl and we begin fighting. Yeah, we must really be bored to be doing this.

Or not. I mean, we just enjoyed harassing each other. I watched the night time spread across the oddly calm sky outside.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later, bye," J says gleefully as Cameron is pulling her out of our living room.

I grab her hand. "You can't be leaving me here with these people," I whisper-yell.

"You'll be fine," her honey brown eyes tell me that she actually believes what she's saying.

With a pat on my shoulder, she's gone and I turn back to face the awfully happy people opposite of me and Archer just socialized so well with all of my family.

Ugh this was going to be a long night, I thought, downing another strawberry.

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