Chapter 10: Are You A Fart? 'Cause You Just Blew Me Away

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"Treat her like you're still trying to win her. That's how you'll never lose her."
- I don't know who said this, I just saw it on Pinterest.


I shut my locker, feeling the Monday blues as I'm having a debate with Scar, who believes pancakes are better than waffles. As if.

"It's the texture, J-" he's interrupted when my boyfriend casually leans against the locker next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Axel." He offers his hand to shake.

What is he doing? Scar and I exchange a confused look, but I decide to roll along.

"I'm Juliet."

"Such a lovely name. Listen, I need your help. There's something wrong with my cellphone, it doesn't have your number in it." He throws across his pick up line.

I laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm not into the dating scene right now." I tell him with mock pity.

"Oh come on," he begs. "One date."

I nod my head.

"Looks like you don't believe in love at first sight. Should I walk by again?"

"I am so out. See you later J, asshole." Scar walks away, saying bye to me and Axel. In that exact order.

I begin walking to my class and Ax falls in line with me.

"Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" He asks and I decide to join the game.

"Baby, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print." I hand him my books, smirking, as I remove my jacket.

What? If I'm gonna flirt, I'm gonna do it right.

Axel's eyes widen. "Call me 'baby' again."


He rolls his eyes, returning to the game. "I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together."

I smile. "I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Because mine was just stolen."

He grins deviously. "Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?"

When two boys stop and stare at me Axel glares at them like he's going to beat them up and they instantaneously walk away. More like run away.

We enter our class and I speak up.

"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist. Right?"

He places the books on my desk, tugging at my belt loops using his fingers, pulling me closer.

"We have a winner." He kisses me a little too passionately and the teacher walks in.

"To your seat, please, Mr Reed." He reprimands.

"Sorry sir." Axel walks to his desk, confident and unfazed, grinning like an idiot.

Heat rises on my face and I attempt to focus on the lecture after that kiss. Emphasis on 'attempt'.


As the school day is about to end, I'm called to the office.

I find Scar there, probably in trouble for something, rearranging files as punishment.

What's going on? Are you okay? Axel texts me.

I'll find out, I guess. I reply.

"Please, just go straight ahead into the principal's office." The receptionist tells me.


Through the glass windows, I see the one man siting with the principal I wish I never have to see again.

My father.

My heart beat rises dangerously and Scar walks up to me.

"What's happening? Axel's texting me like crazy, poor guy's having a seriously hard time." He jokes.

"That's my Dad." My voice comes out airy.

His fists clench. "That fu-"

"Please don't let me go in there alone. I don't wanna see him." I plead.

His eyes soften. "I'm so sorry, J. You know I can't, but the second something's wrong, just give me a signal and I'll be straight in. Authorities be damned."

"Please?" My voice sounds weak and I hate it, but right now, I don't care. His stance falters.

"Go." He nudges reluctantly.

Chase walks in, files in hand. "Hey, you're supposed to file these too. Woah, sorry, is everything okay?"

"None of your business." Scar says rudely, pushing me lightly towards the door.

No fighting lessons Parker and I had taken with the M&Ms could prepare me for this.

I walk in, sitting on the chair next to my father's.

"Ms Hastings, I'm so sorry it took us so long to contact your guardian. As you know, the old library that burnt down was school property. We just needed your father to sign some papers making sure that you're okay and we can all move on." Mrs Delores, our principal tells us and I can all but nod.

"Perfect, I'll go get them." She smiles, exiting the room and I'm left all alone. With him.

I keep shaking my leg, a nervous habit and he places a hand over my knee, presumably to calm me down as he used to when I was little.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Don't touch me."

He does the opposite, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Honey, I know-"

I jerk out of the seat, getting away from him, feeling like the walls were closing in on me.

He gets up too and I begin to panic.

He wouldn't hurt me here. I assure myself.

He moves closer and I consider running for it.

Luckily, Scar walks in. "What the hell is going on?"

I run to him before I know what I'm doing, I hug Scar and his arms envelope me. I try not to cry as he tells me I'm fine and he won't let my father hurt me.

But doesn't he know? No one can stop this man from hurting me. I deserve it. I killed his wife.

I just wanna be away from him.

But some things truly haunt you till the end of time.

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