Chapter 43: A Quick Rendezvous In The Washroom

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I got back home around 11, heading straight to bed. But while passing by J's room, I hear the faint sound of her puking her guts out.

"J?" I knock lightly on her door.

"Now's not a good time," she says.

"I know," I open the door. "I'm coming in, okay?" I now open the door of her bathroom.

"I told you it wasn't a good time," she coughs.

"Yeah, well I never listen, do I?" I hold her hair back.

A few minutes later, when I'm sure there's nothing left inside of her, I offer her water and leave her in the bathroom to clean herself up.

Whilst waiting for her, I walk around the room, seeing all the things I've seen a million times before. The pictures hanging all over a wall, especially reserved for her memories.

The picture of her and Parker smearing cupcakes over each other on their 13th birthday, a picture of her with her mom, even one of her dad.


One of Axel kissing the side of her head as she laughed. One, of the M&Ms trying to do her make up. One of Heath stealing her waffles, one of Hunter yelling at Heath for stealing her waffles, one of her on my shoulders at the beach as we made the most absurd faces at the camera.

So, so many more.

For some inexplicable reason, everything seems dangerously tangible now. It feels more real than the other times I've seen them closely, because now I know these memories are all I might have left of her.

She can't leave all of this behind. I won't let her. I'll even talk to Dabria, if I must.

She even changed my stupid perception on this stupid as shit life. Maybe it's not that bad. And maybe liking someone outside of your family isn't that bad either.

Does Jenny have pictures like this? I find myself thinking.

Why do I wanna know?

The bathroom door opens and J comes out in her PJs.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask, settling next to her as she sits on the bed.

"Fine, just exhausted. But I'm always exhausted nowadays," she laughs humorlessly and that spark in her eyes is missing.

"Parker stays with me all night, he's so worried something's gonna happen, I forced him back to his room tonight," she adds.

Now I laugh humorlessly. "You can't blame him."

"I don't want you people to walk on eggshells around me."

"Is that why you haven't told Hunter?" I blurt.

She looks at me, surprised I've noticed. But of course, I've noticed.

"He doesn't have to know until it's done," she toys with her fingers.

"Wh- Are you crazy? You're just not gonna tell him?!" how can she not tell him?

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