Chapter 14: Can I Punch Him, Please?

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How many times will it take for me to understand he's not sticking around?

Was I really not worth a fight? After everything, he let go so easily.

I'm tired and the last big time I remember crying is in heaven, then the fire.

And now today. The day I let the same boy break my heart all over again. I wipe the tears away furiously as I bump into a muscular figure in the hallway.

"Hey!" Scar pulls me back. "Dude, Mason just broke Max's nose but it's okay because it healed before Hunter came back- ARE YOU CRYING?!"

"Don't be silly." I try to walk away.

"Seriously? What did that asshole say to you? Where is he?" Scar heads towards Axel's room, furiously.

"No! No! Wait! Just, it's nothing." I lie but the more he stares at me the more I feel my demeanor crack.

"J..." He prompts softly, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"We just broke up." My voice cracks. "He, he just- And then I-" I'm unable to form a sentence and I was actually having trouble breathing.

I fall apart. I hate crying but Axel seems to be great at making me do just that. What's ironic is that he 'hates' seeing me cry.

"Hey." Scar coos, pulling me for a hug and I sob into his chest.

My friend's arms where the only thing holding me together, the rest of me had already fallen apart.


"Can I punch him, please?" Scar paces around his room.

"No." I shoot him a dry look. "I can't make him love me. I can't make him fight for me. It is what it is."

"You're kidding me. He looks at you like he's gonna drop down on one knee any second. Don't tell me you believe him!"

"I don't know." I admit. "The way he said it was pretty convincing. I can't even ask Parker for advice. He's my twin but he's also Axel's best friend and I don't wanna make him choose a side."

"You have to stop doing that. Putting everyone else above you. You have to let people love you." Scar puts his arm around me.

"I love him. So much. And now I just don't know if he loves me. He just doesn't want to fight. I don't know what I should do."

"I'm not a relationship expert. But I do think you have to give him some space, let him see what he's missing." He tells me.

"I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this." I say.

"You're not dragging me into anything." His tone is honest and kind.

As I rest on my shoulders, he speaks up.

"Let's just eat ice-cream and watch Harry Potter for tonight. We'll discuss everything tomorrow." He suggests.

He really is my best friend.

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