Chapter 32: Only One Allowed To Touch

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"Hey," Axel drawls when I bump into him in the kitchen.


When I'm about to leave, he asks, "where'd you guys go last night?"

"Rustenberg," I say after a beat.

His eyes widen. "So you guys probably stayed a motel or something for the night."

I nod. "We didn't do anything of that sort, if that's what you're wondering."

"I know, I trust you."

I sigh. "Me too."

This causes his head to snap up. "Really? After last night?"

I reluctantly nod. "You said she initiated it, and you pulled away."

"I did. She means nothing to me, I swear," he comes closer, his green eyes sincere.

I swallow my emotions, "Sometimes, I feel like I mean nothing to you."

Shock is evident on his face. He slowly place his hands around my waist, leaning me against the kitchen counter.

"I don't know how to make you know that you're the greatest damn thing to ever happen to me, but I'll keep trying. I love you, J," his green eyes look into mine.

I shake my head. "Don't say that."

He puts his forehead on mine, "I love you."

"I know I don't say it as often as I should but, I don't know how to show it anymore. I feel like I'm here and you're somewhere far away," I admit, my voice a mere whisper.

"You don't have to! I'm the one who keeps screwing up. You died for me. A collosal fuck-up. You don't have to prove anything, you never did," his forehead still rests on mine.

After a beat, he speaks up. "I hate that you were with him the whole night."

My eyes snap open as I pull back. "You were jealous?"

He nods.

I laugh. "Good, at least you were half as mad as I was."

"Oh, I could've gone full mad. The thought of him touching you drove me crazy all night."

I raise my eyebrows. "So you're the only one allowed to touch me?"

He nods proudly. "All mine, baby." He grins like a child.

"J! Axel! Get your asses out here or I'm leaving without you!" Parker yells.

"Talk to him, would you?" I suggest.

"I will, I hate that we're fighting." he subconsciously runs his fingers over the bruise on his jaw.

He leans in to kiss me, as though he forgets where we are in our... relationship.

My eyes widen and I scramble away.

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