Chapter 8: Gee Officer Krupke

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Love this song from the 1961 musical 'West Side Story'. If you wanna listen to the song Juliet is singing in the chapter, it's this one😍.

Happy Reading!


"When Hunter finds out we're not home, we're so dead." Juliet says as we jump around, I twirl her to the music and she laughs.

We were in the park, it was a little past 11 as we danced around to Jailhouse Rock. We were here to watch "West Side Story" but arrived a little early to find the live band playing.

Sure, we looked weird being the only people dancing. But did we care?


"Well I had to do something cheer you up." I smile, pulling her closer as the song comes to an end.

This causes the smile to slip off of her face. "You don't have to do anything for me ever. Okay?"

My shoulders sink. "I want to. Always. Okay?"

She bites her lip to avoid smiling. An old habit. She nods her head.

I kiss her forehead and drag her to the place where our (extremely heavy) picnic basket was adorning the grass.

When I complained it was heavy, she said 'you have super strength, use it'.

The things I do for this girl.

Soon, our blanket is laid out and the movie begins. Juliet sits in front of me, her back leaning against my chest, as my legs envelope hers.

The 1961 movie (that she has watched countless times, might I add) keeps pushing the whole Romeo and Juliet plot line forward.

When I was a child, it never made sense to me, why Tony (the male lead of the movie) would want to die just because Maria (the female lead and his lover) died, it was absurd.

But now I see it. A life without love isn't a life worth living. Okay, that's not true. Many people have great single lives. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, for me, a life without her isn't a life worth living. I know because I've lived one for the past few years of my life.

My grip around my Juliet subconsciously tightens.

A new blanket spreads out a few feet away from us and I see that new boy, Chase, who begins to get comfortable as he pulls out popcorn and begins watching the movie.

"Oh hey." He greets us.

"Hi." Juliet smiles and I offer a fake smile, simply so I don't piss J off. I don't wanna ruin the night.

And I'm thankful that the conversation ends there.

A couple minutes later, Juliet's favorite song from the movie comes on and my goof starts singing along.

"Gee, Office Krupke, we're very upset. We never got the love that every child oughta get. We ain't no delinquents, we're misunderstood." She sings animatedly and I catch Chase peeking at her, a small amused smile on his face.

I really don't like him.

But I ignore him, enjoying the way the girl in my arms is laughing as I place my chin on her shoulder.

"The trouble is he's lazy! The trouble is he drinks! The trouble is he's crazy! The trouble is he stinks! The trouble is he's growing! The trouble is he's grown! Krupke, we got troubles of our own!" She sings.

"You're kind of fucking adorable right now." I bite her ear lightly, earning a shy smile and a hitch in her breath.

I love that smile so damn much.

"Yeah?" She asks and I nod.

"What are you gonna do about it?" She bites her lips.

My hands lightly graze over her thighs.

I give her a devilish smile. "I'll take you home and we can find out."

Her eyes tell me she's momentarily distracted and completely into what I'm saying. But then she mockingly pushes me away and I pout sadly but end up laughing, earning dirty looks from everyone around us.

"Sorry." I announce sheepishly.

As the movie is about to end and Tony wanders the street begging for someone to kill him because Maria died, I whisper into Juliet's ear.

"I know I don't say it very often. I should, really, but I don't. But I love you."

She looks up at me and smiles that damn smile, I swear it does weird things to my heart.

"I love you." She whispers back and my happiness can not be verbalized.

I kiss her lightly, and I am happier than I thought I would ever be, considering how my life was 2 months ago.

I smile at how far I have come as she falls asleep in my arms and I carry her back to my jeep.

We arrive home and I have to wake her up, because I can't sneak around while carrying her and Dad catching us would ruin the perfect night we had.

Well, perfect besides the fact that that Chase boy wouldn't stop staring at us, thinking he was discreet.

Well, he was but I had been training with Mason and Max for years now. So I know shit.

What was he up to? If he wasn't going to leave Juliet alone, I really had to know.

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