Chapter 11: Just A Little Kick To The Ass. Okay, A Little More Than That

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I told myself I wasn't gonna barge in but goddamit he touched her and I couldn't help myself.

I didn't have a lot of friends. But I did stick up for the few I had. Especially this idiot of mine, who has shown me that I might actually not be that bad of a person.

All I can think about is how he must've hit her, why she's so scared. I'm giving him such a death glare that even his stance falters.

"You're gonna be fine, I won't let him hurt you." I hug her tight but there's nothing I can do to snap her out of it.

"I wasn't going to hurt her, I swear." Nick tells me, raising his hands up in defense.

"I swear to God, if you touch her one more time, I will rip your bloody arms off and I'll enjoy it. You know exactly the type of person I am. I'll do it with ease." My voice comes out steely.

He's scared as shit and I can see it, his fear only heightens when I make it clear I'm a Clite.

The bell rings, declaring the day over.

"She's my daughter. Who the hell are you?" He grits.

"No you're only blood related. You've never treated her like family, like she deserves to be treated." I point out the obvious.

"Didn't answer my question. She's nothing to you. So why don't you just leave her to me. I won't hurt her, I'm here to make amends."

"Who am I? Part of her family, you know the thing you had the opportunity of being, but you screwed up." I tell him honestly.

I grab J's hand, leading her out of the room.

Axel runs into the office with his and Juliet's bag in hand, looking so distraught, a blind man could tell.

"What's happening?" He looks at Nick, his tone becoming icy. "Why the hell is he here?"

Juliet just leads the two of us out of there, but before she leaves, she turns around.

"Nick," her confidence is back and on full display. "Take your amends and shove them up your ass."

And with that we're out. Gotta say, I'm proud of the way she pulled herself together.

The only thing that would make it better was if that Chase guy would stop staring in what I'm sure he considers a 'discreet' way.


"I'm fine." Juliet groans, for the 100th time, watching Iron Man on Axel's lap.

"You're sure?" Mason asks.

"Because I'm not sure." Max states.

"Can I just go beat him up, please?" Heath asks for the sixth time.

"She doesn't want us to." Parker reprimands.

"So?" I retort and Axel shoots me a look.

"Come on, just a little kick to the ass. Okay, a little more than that." Heath takes a bunch of my popcorn.

"When did you guys make this stupid promise anyways?" I ask.

"Ugh, the day we found out." Mason groans.

"And let me get this straight, you never knew? She was living in the same house as you. She has bruises on her fu-" Juliet interrupts my rant directed towards Parker.

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