Chapter 39: Chef Chase Jacobs

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"You're so bad at this," Chase laughs when we're studying in his room.

"I'm not bad at tutoring, you're bad at focusing," I nudge him in the ribs.

"Well, there's some pretty distractions in the room," he flirts shamelessly.

"Yeah, nice lamp," I push his head away from mine and he laughs again.

I think I'm becoming a little too accommodated with his laugh.

"Enough studying, let's eat something," he whines, his brown eyes tired.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He looks at me. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I shake my head. "No reason. Just- if there's anything wrong, you can always talk to me," I smile.

I see an emotion flash in his eyes, but it's gone before I can put my finger on it.

"You too," he comes closer.

"What's Chef Chase Jacobs making for me today?" I ask.

He gets off the bed, grinning and pulling me along. "Tacos!"


"I'm starting to get the feeling you're not good at anything," he teases when I can't chop the vegetables.

"Oh, I can't chop. Big whoop."

He laughs, his brown eyes shining under the lights. He stands behind me, his arms coming over mine as his hands direct mine and chop the vegetables.

"See, it's easy," he whispers, his breath fanning my ears, his eyes and mine getting used to each other.

When a second passes and I can't take it I push him backwards, laughing. "I get it."

His laugh is short, when he receives a call.

"Just one second," his face tenses up and he leaves the kitchen.

When a good time passes, I lean over to the living room side.

"It's my call! You don't do anything without my say! Don't call unless I do, you understand? Don't touch her!" he whisper-yells into the phone, hanging it up angrily.

I burst, "What's wrong?"

He turns around startled, "How much of that did you hear?"

"Just the last part," I admit.

He looks at me for a second as though debating on whether he should tell me or not.

"I found my sister," he breathes.


"Chase, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you," I hug him and his stiffness is radiating, but he eventually hugs me back.

"I might actually get to meet her. See her again." He daydreams, a dazzling look on his face.

"That's good, right?"

"Yeah," he nods. "I'm nervous, though."

After a second, he asks lowly.

"Do you think you could come with me?"

I look up at him. "Really?"

He nods, "I'd feel a whole lot better if you were with me."

"I'd love to," I admit, genuinely elated for him.

"Enough of this now," he snaps out of it. "Let's dance."

He puts on a bunch of old musical songs and we spend the night eating tacos and dancing like idiots, unable to control our laughter.


When I get home (basically crossing the street), I see Axel reading in the kitchen.

"Hey," he smiles.

"Hey. What are you doing still up?"

"Waiting for you, let's get some food in your stomach." He gets up from his stool.

"Oh, I already ate."

"Really? Where were you?"

I hesitate, "With Chase."

His face falls. "Oh."

It doesn't matter. I want to say. No one could ever take your place.

"Hey," I let my thumb slide over his cheek.

"I trust you. It's him I don't trust," he admits, looking away.

I step closer, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm tired. I just wanna go to bed with you."

"Really?" he asks and I nod.

Laughing, he picks me up all bridal style.

"Are you crazy?! Let me go!" I yell.

"Not a chance," he runs to the stairs and then up them so quickly that I thought I was gonna die. Really.

I really have the best idiot in the world.

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