Chapter 46: You Have To Be Mature About This

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Warning: Chapter includes mental breakdown and anxiety attack.


"No way," I gape as Chase finishes his story about how he broke a boy's nose when he was 8.

He laughs, "I didn't mean to."

"And I thought the worst thing you'd done is stealing my cotton candy."

He shakes his head, laughing, toying with the ring around his finger that always seems to be there. I like how close we've gotten in this short period of time. I mean, we spent 4 hours at this stupid fair and we haven't done much, we've only been talked. But it feels nice. It feels good and easy, comfortable. He feels comfortable.

"It's your birthday day after tomorrow, right?" he asks me.


"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I have my sources," he winks. "Okay, I heard the M&Ms talking about it."

"Thought so," I laugh and he stares.

"You're staring, again," I tease.

He shrugs, "I can't help it."

My cheeks redden, and I feel the warm sensation tingle in my stomach.

Before I can say anything I bump into someone and he attempts to control a small chuckle.

Emphasis on 'attempts'.

"Sorry," the person I bumped into, Jenny, says.

"No problem, where are you going?" I ask.

"Home, I probably shouldn't stay here."

Oh my God, that look on her face.

I catch her elbow. "What did Scar tell you?"

Oh my God! Oh my God! He told her, he told her! Shh Juliet, you have to be mature about this. Your best friend told his crush he likes her. Relax.

She stares at me, wondering whether or not she should share it all. "Can I talk to you, alone?"

"I gotta get home, anyways," Chase starts. "You'll hitch a ride home?"

I nod, as we say bye to each other.

Jenny, initially uncomfortable, begins to spill her guts to me.

And when she's done, the first thing I can say is, "Wait, you thought we liked each other?"

She flushes, "Misunderstanding."

I laugh. "Okay, so he finally said he likes you and you like him back?"

She sighs reluctantly. "I don't know what to do. I've never been in a situation like this before."

"It's hard, I understand," I pat her shoulder. "But-"

Suddenly, our surrounding drowns in pandemonium. People rush towards the exits, pushing and pulling.

The friction of the crowd sets off a sense of instilled fear inside me. I've been so on edge, hiding my fears, but I know that feeling in my gut.

They're here for me.

I ignore my pounding heart and focus on the screams that seamlessly blend into one another.

I make out something about a gas leak and a small fire.

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