Chapter 25: Keep It Down In There, You Filthy Animals

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"Just wear my shirt." Axel had told me before I fell asleep. I didn't want to go to my room and my jeans were uncomfortable. So, ultimately, I gave in.

When he looks at me like that, I forget we're having issues. It's not fair. But for now, it'll do.

Later in the night, I'm shaking. Literally. No, please! Not another side effect of returning from the land of the dead.

I watch my hands tremble as I get out of bed and head down the stairs. Maybe if I distract myself, it'll go away.

I pass Hunter's study, where the lights are still on. I thought he went to sleep.

"Hunter?" I knock.

I hear choked sobs coming from inside the room and I rush in, attempting to stop shaking.

He stood there, leaning against his desk with his bloodshot eyes, a Bourbon bottle in his hand. His shoulders shook as he sobbed, I don't think he even realized that I came in.

"Hey..." I place my hand on his shoulder to console him and head shoots up.

My heart breaks for him and I don't know what to do.

"Shit, sorry! I didn't know- when did you come in?" He stutters, his voice hoarse.

"Just now," I admit. "What's wrong?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing, J, go to sleep."

I stay in my place. A few moments pass.

"She was- she was supposed to be here. I promised her, when we were younger, that we'd see our child turn 18 together. She had so many plans. I just wish she were here. Without her, I'm," he chokes. "Lost. I'm lost without her."

I can't help myself when I hug him, his height similar to that of Axel's thus causing my head to lean against his chest.

His entire body shakes when he sobs.

I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be taking care of you and here I am-"

"Hunter, you are the best person I can think of. There is no one like you. All of us, we drive you nuts and I know we're a lot to handle but you love us unconditionally. And I know we don't say it as much as we should but we love you. I love you. And I know you are sad that she isn't here, but wherever she is, I know she loves you more than anything. And that's the best hope we're privileged to have, knowing that we're loved." I look up at him.

After a second, he has stopped crying. "She would have loved to see you kids grow up into who you are today."

"I'm sorry, Hunter. But I'd like to think she knows." I say softly.

He wipes his tears. "When did you grow up, kiddo?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I had to."

I see the love in his eyes. "You'll always be my kiddo. Doesn't matter how much you grow up." He puts an arm around me.

I kiss him on the cheek. "I know. You should probably go to bed, please get some rest." I take the bottle from his desk and take it back to the bar, wishing him a goodnight and he stares at me, a little bit in awe.

Consumed in his sorrow, he doesn't notice my shaking. Thank goodness.


I paced around the kitchen, it had been a good 10 minutes since I left Hunter's study and I just couldn't stop shivering.

"Are you having a fricking marathon down here? What's all the noise?" A sleepy Parker walks in, rubbing his eyes, lazily walking towards me in his Spiderman boxers.

I can't reply, it's dark, maybe he won't see me shaking. I need to think of an excuse.

"You're shaking," his voice is overflowing with caution.


"Shit, Derp, what's wrong?" He calls me by the nickname that hasn't been said in years.

I have to tell him the truth. It's not fair to him.

"Look," I don't know how to go about this.

"You're scaring me. What's going on?" He rubs my hands between his in an attempt to warm me and stop my shivering.

"When I died," I say and he winces. "And I came back, there was a certain... price. It's not that serious."

He sighs in relief.

"Yet." I add and he scowls. "I get these nightmares, and random bruises, I feel sick a lot of the time, I start shivering and shaking like this. And I don't know what would happen if it got worse. Scar and Heath found out because they've seen this before. But none of us know what to do or who to contact."

He's deep in thought. "So you could die, for good?"

I don't know.

"Wait!" He almost yells. "Is that the reason you and Axel broke up? Because you wouldn't tell him?"

I nod shamefully.

"Derp, you have to tell him. He deserves to know."

I sigh. "I know. I know. I will. Tomorrow. Let him enjoy today."

Reluctantly, he nods. "Come with me, let's get you warmed up."

"I can't, I'm uh, sleeping with Axel." I stammer.

His eyebrows shoot to the roof.

"Not like that! We're literally sleeping, okay? Go to bed." I nudge.

He laughs heartily. "Keep it down in there, you filthy animals. I don't wanna hear weird noises in the middle of the night."

I blush furiously, exiting the kitchen.

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