Chapter 47: She Could Be Scary If She Wants

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"I don't know what to do, I've never seen her like this," I run a hand through my hair, trying to get her sobs out of my head.

But they won't go.

We brought her home, when she simmered down, and she sat in her room, with Park next to her.

"If we went through all the things she went through, we'd probably be worse. She's so strong, but for how long can you be strong?" Mason says, a certain sadness painting his eyes as Valerie sits next to him, equally concerned.

"What happened, exactly?" Heath asks Jenny, whose bruises are being attended to by a very, very angry Scar.

"There was this guy, Duke, they were Henchmen- or something, I don't know! And there was this blue thing in the middle of the air!" she exclaims.

Scar sighs, "I'll explain everything, Jen, just tell us what happened."

She hesitates for a moment. "They pushed her around. He cut her lip slightly too, punched her. They fought for a while. There were 4 of them. It was all so quick and yet so slow. I can't explain it. But what they did to her, it's bad."

I clench my fists, shutting my eyes. I can't even begin to imagine what she went through and she's suffering even now, all alone. When will her suffering end?

"What are you not telling us?" Max asks, almost scared.

"He ripped her shirt off."

I only realize what I've done when I feel the pain on my knuckles. The little amount of blood oozes from my knuckles as I realize I've punched the wall.


But I don't care. The world could end right now and I wouldn't care. All I can think about is her pain.

"I was supposed to be there for her," I confess.

Mase starts, "Axel-"

"No, I was supposed to be there for her. You don't get it-"

"I don't get it? In case you've forgotten, my girlfriend died. And she was gone for a month. So trust me, I know the pain," Mason bites and I instantly feel like a dick.

"Well, how would we know the pain if you never talk about it? You never wanna talk about anything, don't blame us," Max remarks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mason scoffs.

"You can't discuss shit Mason, that's what it means."

Mase gets up. "What do you wanna discuss?!"

"Our birthday is not that far away, who's gonna be God? Huh? Have you even thought about it?" Max pushes him slightly.

Heath jumps in, "Scar refuses to discuss it too, but this isn't the time."

"But you just had to pass that comment?" Scar barks.

"Wait, hold up, God?!" Jenny steps in.

"What? You don't have the balls to discuss this Scar! Admit it! You can't even mention the fact that we'll have to choose who'll be God. Grow up!" Heath yells.

Scar let's out a humorless laugh. "And what about you? You-"

"Guys, stop it!" Valerie yells and everyone stops.

Valerie? Yelling?

"I'm so disappointed in all of you, right now. Juliet is in there and she needs us. And look at how selfish you are? So-called family. Now all of you are gonna shut the fuck up. Mason and Heath will go get takeout, Max go make sure no humans are hurt, Scar will treat Jenny's wounds and Axel you need to go fix your hand."

We all stare at her. Wow, I didn't think she had it in her.

"Stop staring at my face, go!" she yells and we all scramble off.

Damn, she could be scary if she wants.



"I'm gonna sit next to you now, okay?" Parker cautiously approaches me.

I nod slowly.

I don't know what happened to me. I heard Max describe it as an anxiety attack but I really don't know.

I pull my knees closer to my chest as he sits next to me, leaning against my headboard.

"Derp," he sighs.

Is he disappointed with me? Is he mad?

"I'm not mad, so don't go there. Just- what can I do to make you feel better?" he asks, a defeated look addressing his eyes.

I shake my head, not replying.

"Why don't you tell me how you feel?"

I sigh, looking up at the ceiling, my eyes stinging. My voice is low and soft; broken as it comes out. "It's so loud inside my head."

He doesn't say anything.

"I wish whoever it is that wants to kill me would just do it. I can't live my life in pain and fear anymore. I'm tired of being scared all the time."

My voice sounds like a stranger's and I can't even be bothered about it.

I look up at him, and he bites his lip, looking at the ceiling, crying silent tears.

"If I could take all of this away from you, I would, in a heartbeat, I hope you know that," he looks at me.

I nod.

"J, out of everything that's happened in our lives, you have been the strength of pillar for everyone. You're so strong. I understand you're sad, I do, believe me. But don't ever say you'd rather someone killed you. Because we won't let that happen. We can't make you want to live. You'll have to find that in yourself. But I want you to know that even if we literally have to go through hell, I will not leave you, not for a second."

"Why would I want to live? What do I have? Nothing," I admit, hating how I sound.

He opens his mouth, and then closes it. "Look, I don't care who else is there or not there. I will always be there. You hear me?"

I nod, which seems to be all I can do.

"No you don't get it," he cups my face. "I love you and I will never leave you. Okay? It's you and me forever, Derp."

I smile slightly. "You and me forever, Park."

Maybe I'm down right now. Maybe I did have an anxiety attack. But I can't skip over it. I have to live out the bad and the good. But I'm not alone. I have my other half right next to me, and if he's with me, I'll get through this. I always do.

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