Chapter 56: Baby

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"This is a part of Heaven but it's not really a part of Heaven. Consider it an inbetween place between Hell and Heaven, where prisoners who are to be sent to Hell are kept. A jail of sorts. This is also, unfortunately, where all the Henchmen services are found. We never really come here, it's our first time, actually," Max explains.

I could tell this wasn't a big part of Heaven, the golden lights dimmed down here and there was a darker aura that kept me on my toes.

"What's that?" I ask Scar in amazement.

Far to my right, I see a small area with a few Henchmen. Letters flew around them, literally. A few came in through one portal, the men standing there sorted them out and sent them through another portal.

"You know when a soldier in the army dies, a letter is sent to their family for a sense of closure and stuff?" Scar asks and I nod. "Well, that's what's happening here, if a Henchman dies on a mission, a letter written by them is sent to their loved ones through that system over there."

Oh. I don't know what to say except that at least a sense of closure is offered, some people don't get to say goodbye.

We reach a small gate, not as glorious as all the other things here, and the guard standing in front of it stops us.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we can't let you through, humans aren't allowed here," the guard is clearly alarmed as he stands straighter and since he's so damn tall, we barely see the gate behind him.

"They've been here before, don't worry," Max tries to move past but the guard doesn't stand down.

A silent stare down ensues until Scar speaks up.

"Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous! I mean, wait till Alden hears about this. I'll go to him right now, is this how we're gonna be treated? I can't believe it," he puts his hand on his hips for dramatic effect and Heath supports his twin by doing the same.

"Alden? As in-" the guard can't finish his sentence as Scar nods vehemently.

"You bet it's that Alden, we're his friends. Really good friends. If he finds out we weren't allowed to enter, he'll be very mad. You seem like a good fellow, I'd hate it if you were to lose your job for such a simple thing," Mason adds and Parker is barely holding in a laugh and so he stares down at his shoes, biting his cheek.

"Sir, I- alright. But you must hurry, I could give you half an hour if anything, all these prisoners are to be sent to Hell this week and so they're under tight watch," the guards motions for the door to open and it does.

What? Seriously? If I had this sort of... technology, I wouldn't even have to get up for the remote!

Pushing that delightful wish aside, we enter through the gate and I see her. Her long black coat over her short black dress.

Her hands are handcuffed together like mine were, once upon a time, with weird magical rope. She doesn't look up at us, but I see her smile against the gorgeous marble table she's sitting next to.

"Well, well, if it isn't the birthday twins," her icy voice reverberates throughout this tiny space.

I was prepared to see Dabria, but I sure as hell wasn't ready.

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