Choice A) (Ted Ending)

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry!"

Ted said quickly.

"I shouldn't have fainted like that, it was really my fault-I'm so sorry if you were worried-"

"You're sorry for being shoved into a hole, and then getting a really bad head wound?"

You said quizzically.

"You don't need to be sorry, Ted. Fainting is a natural response to losing as much blood as you did. I was worried, because you're my friend, but I really don't think you need to apologize."

Ted blinked at you. He was used to apologizing. It was a habit. Something natural. Felix was in a bad mood, he apologized. Stocks were down at Applesoft Enterprises, he apologized. His mother was angry at a maid, he apologized. Any time anything went wrong, Ted apologized. Even if he hadn't directly done anything wrong, he knew from years of experience, everything was somehow his fault. His parents had made that abundantly clear.

But you didn't seem to know that.

"I really shouldn't have fainted."

He mumbled.

You raised an eyebrow.

"Do you hear it?"

You asked.


He said, confused.

"The noise of you seriously needing to stop blaming yourself for passing out."

He sighed.


He began.

"Nope! Nonononononononononononono."

You interrupted. 

He smiled a little.

"I'm glad we're both being mature about this."

He said sarcastically.

Your mouth dropped open in mock shock.

"Wow, I guess I need to get used to this new sarcastic you. Y'know, I'm truly shocked."

You joked.

"Not all the time, just some of the time."

He said quickly. He wasn't sure if that was a joke or not, but he wanted to be sure that you knew he would stop if you wanted.

"Hey, you're good, I'm good."

You said. He squinted. It looked like you were.....crying?

"Are you okay?"

He asked worriedly. You smiled, but at the same time a tear ran down your cheek.

You wiped it away quickly and laughed slightly.

"I'm fine."

Ted knew that whenever anybody said 'I'm fine', they were obviously definitely NOT FINE. It was like when he asked Felix if he was mad at him, and he said 'I'm not angry'. He also knew that he shouldn't probe if you didn't want to talk about it.

"Are you sure?"

He asked cautiously.

You let out a shaky breath. There was an awkward silence between the two of you for a moment, before you threw yourself at him, and wrapped him in a bear hug, half dragging him up, ignoring the angry voices of the medics.

"I'm so glad your alive!"

You choked out, holding onto him tightly.

"I mean, I'm glad too, but I won't be if you're going to attack me."

Ted wheezed. You nodded awkwardly, and lowered him back onto the cot.

"We're almost there."

Called a medic from the front. Ted shuddered. He'd never been to a public hospital before, because they had medics at home, who if either him or his brother got hurt would by on site immediately, although considering the lack of things they were allowed to do, this was rarely needed.

He didn't want to cry, but a lot had happened that day, and he felt tears dripping down his cheeks. He would have been mocked relentlessly at home for crying like this, and he tried to wipe them of his face quickly, but you put a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine, I've got you."

You whispered.

"We're here."

A medic called, and the back of the ambulance started to open.

"Will you stay?"

Ted whispered.

You smiled softly.

"The whole time."



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