195 Colby's POV

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I was lying in my bed, on my laptop, listening to music and still riding my high from T texting me hours ago, when my phone went off. I snatched it up, not even looking at the number. "T?" I exclaimed happily, into the phone. I don't know why I thought she would be calling, but it was late and no one really called me before texting me except her. "No Colby, it's Neece. There's been an acci-" Denise's voice broke and I could tell she was crying. My stomach dropped as I stood up quickly from the bed. "Denise, what happened?" I asked, already throwing a shirt on and grabbing some socks from my drawer. "Is Terra okay?" I demanded when she didn't answer me. "N-no," she choked out, and my heart fell down with my stomach. "Where are you? I'm on the way." I had to ask a few more times, and I know that my voice meant unnecessarily, but she wouldn't stop crying long enough to answer me. I was freaking out! When she finally told me where she was, I froze. "You're in the hospital? Why? What happened? Doesn't matter, you can tell me when I get there." There was no room number to get since T was still in emergency services. I didn't know anything besides that. I didn't worry about what I was wearing or what my hair looked like. I had just pulled a random shirt from my closet, and snatched my socks and shoes on. I was almost at the door when Sam called my name. "Not now Sam, gotta go. T's been hurt. She's in the hospital," I replied, opening the door. 'Whoa brother, slow down. Let me drive you, "he replied. I turned to look at him and saw the look of concern. "Come on man, you're in no state to drive. Just let me drive you. Please brother." I sighed, and pushed the door open for him to walk out ahead of me. He was right. I probably wasn't in any condition to drive. I was too distracted. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I couldn't think about anything other than Denise was crying because T was in the hospital. What the fuck had happened? What was I going to walk into? Was I prepared for it? Was Terra ... alive? I hated to think that but I couldn't stop the thoughts from coming. I rushed to the car, yelling at Sam to hurry the fuck up. Why did he choose to walk like an old granny tonight. Fuck. We needed to hurry. When he got behind the wheel of my old Corolla, he didn't disappoint. He sped through the late night LA ​​traffic as best as he could, weaving in and out of traffic until we reached the hospital. He let me out at the emergency entrance, then went to park the car. I rushed inside, going straight to the administration desk. The lady wouldn't even look up at me, so I banged my hand on the desk to get her attention. If looks could kill, I'd be dead after the one she gave me but I didn't care. "Tessa Brooks. Where is she? Is she okay? What happened?" I blurted out. "Sir, are you family? We cannot give out any information besides informing you that she is here, if you are not immediate family." I was starting to get mad. I didn't have time for this shit. What if while I was standing here arguing with this bitch, T takes a turn for the ... no, I wasn't going to think like that. I didn't have time for the bullshit though. "I'm her brother. Just tell me where she's at," I barked at the woman. She didn't appear phased as she looked through her computer. "Colby!" I turned when I heard my name and saw Denise running over to me, her phone in her hand. "I was just about to call you again," she said, her voice steady, but her face was swollen and red from crying, tear streaks going down her cheeks. "How is she? Is she okay?" Denise shrugged, and I saw the tears begin to spill over her lids again, as her face screwed up. "I don't know Colby. It's bad." "Where is she? Can I see her?" She shook her head. "No, she's in surgery. They said she hit her head really hard and there was hemorrhaging." She gasped a little, tears still streaming down her face. "What happened?" I asked, scared of the answer. "She was in an accident. Her and Justin. I don't know what happened. His arm is broken and he's got a lot of bruising and a few scratches but he'll be okay. It's a miracle really, but T wasn't t's so lucky. " "Fuuuck," I groaned, sitting down in one of the waiting room blue vinyl chairs. "How did the accident happen?" I asked. "Have you talked to Justin?" She nodded, and I swear I saw anger flash in her eyes. "Yeah, I talked to him. They were arguing, and he looked away from the road for a moment. He said it happened so fast, there was nothing he could do. They went over the median, into oncoming traffic. He yanked the wheel out of the way of a semi, and the car started hydroplaning, spinning out of control. Thankfully, the semi was able to go around them in time, but the car behind it hit them. It smashed into T's side as they were spinning." The more I listened to her talk, the angrier I got. This was his fault. He looked away from the road because they were arguing? What kind of fuck shit was that? And he was perfectly fine? While she was in surgery?? "She'll be okay," I said, as I placed my hand against my chest. It hurt there, my heart slamming against my rib cage, like I was having a heart attack. Denise sat down next to me, and leaned her head over on me. I put my arm around her, for comfort. I don't know if I was trying to comfort her or myself, but it didn't matter. Someone we both loved was in danger of losing her life. 

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