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A/N:  I hope everyone had a great Christmas or a great day if you don't celebrate!! I kind of lost my drive over the last couple of days so I hope this chapter isn't too much of a disappointment lol. Either way, I'm getting back into it hopefully, so there should be at least one more chapter today. Love you guys!


"I just wanna hear him say it, in real life." I laughed, but nodded in agreement. "I would probably forget how to breathe. Hearing him say Princess is a lot to handle already." I turned towards Sarah. "And you! You're actually trying to work it with Brennen huh?" She tilted her head a little, letting her hair swing out, and smiled slowly. "Maybe." I shook my head, grinning. "How is this real life right now?" We giggled and looked at one another. "This trip...is amazing. Let's make it even better." We finished getting ready, me taking a little longer so that I could admire my new make up bag that Tara had given me. I was still shocked about that. Finally, we were all ready, we headed out to start our day. It was hectic but so much fun. We sat in on the Creator panels, listening to YouTubers talk about how and why they made the content that they did, how they got into creating videos, advice that they had for others that were interested, etc. We obviously cheered the loudest when Sam and Colby came onstage and told the stories that we had already heard a million times, but still enjoyed watching their interaction together. Then we got to watch them play stupid games against each other and act like idiots. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. Jake, Tara, and Brennen joined them onstage for that, as well as other entertainers. To watch Colby jog across the stage, holding his pants up, the biggest smile on his face from laughing, while looking behind him to see if Jake was going to catch him...priceless. I added the video to my story on Insta immediately. The day was packed with things like this, a break for lunch, buying souvenirs, and finally, after everything, the meet and greet. I was nervous and I didn't understand why. It's not like we hadn't already met them, hugged them...even hung out with them in ours and their hotel rooms but I was a mess. "T, you need to calm down," Denise whispered, as we stood in line, waiting our turn to see the guys. I nodded, and bit my lip as the line moved up, and a couple of girls walked by us crying. "I know I do. This is stupid after everything we've already been through," I laughed nervously. "I don't know why I'm starting to freak out. The closer we get, the more anxious I get. Are we supposed to say anything about what happened, or are we supposed to act like this is the first time we've met them, because of the crowd? I guess I just don't know how to act in front of everyone else where it could be posted online. I don't want to say the wrong thing." Sarah slung her arm around my shoulders, and walked forwards with me. "Just be you. If they mention it, then go along with it. Otherwise, let it be." I nodded again, and took a deep breath. We were next. I had my little gifts that I wanted to give them. A book of letters from fans telling them how much they meant to us, and a couple of cute stuffed animals. I know everyone usually gets Colby the koala because he loves them so much, but I wanted mine to be different. Special. So I got him a little replica of his dog from back home in Kansas, Koki. For Sam, I couldn't decide until I saw this cute little kitten with blue fur. I thought it would be funny and adorable to tell him I name it Kat for him. Now, I felt like the gifts were stupid and childish. I shoved the bag towards Denise. "Necee, put these somewhere. I don't think I want to give them this anymore." Her mouth fell open as she took the bag. "What?! Why? They'll love it!" I shook my head. "No, after meeting them and hanging out with them, I don't know. I don't really want to come off as another fan girl." She looked at me like I was crazy before shoving the bag back at me. "T, you are a fan girl. You always will be. There's nothing wrong with that. You're just nervous. Now give them the damn bag." I sighed, and took the bag back. I knew she was right. I was extremely nervous and couldn't, for the life of me, figure out why. You would think that I would be less nervous since we had already met them. Instead, after being in a setting where it seemed like we were actually friends, it felt weird fawning after them as fan girls now. It's like I couldn't separate the two in my head. "It's our turn. Let's go," Denise said, giving me a small shove. She and I were going to meet them together, and then Sarah and Kenzie were next. Sam and Colby were waiting in front of this huge Playlist background, ready to take pictures. They hadn't noticed us yet, since they were talking quietly to each other. Just as we reached them, their heads turned towards us. The smiles that broke out onto their faces were so genuine and friendly, all of my nervousness melted away. "Heeeyyy," Sam said, drawing me in for a hug. "Glad you guys actually came." "Of course we did. Wouldn't miss it. Plus, we already paid," I laughed out. "Good point," he replied, pulling away from me. I looked over to Colby and caught his eye. I sidestepped Denise to give Colby a hug, while she went to Sam. "Hey Terra," he said softly, wrapping his arms around me tightly, as he rubbed my back. "Hi," I breathed out. After a moment, he pulled back and motioned towards the bag in my hand. "What's that?" "Oh," I replied, looking down at the bag. I held it up towards him. "It's for you and Sam. Just a couple of gifts." Sam and Denise stepped closer to us. "It's from all of us, me, Necee, Kenzie, and Sarah. A book with fan letters that we've collected, and then..." I stopped talking as Colby took the bag from me and set it on the little table that off to the side. 

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