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"So, I wanted to apologize for not getting in touch with you after what happened. I didn't really know what to say and I guess I'm not good in these types of situations. Actually, I don't think I've been in a situation particularly like this one." He dragged his hand through his hair, letting it fall back into place. I still wondered how he always done that and his hair looked perfect, while here I was looking like a drowned rat, with my wet hair sticking to my shoulders. His hands were naked, except for the one thin band Gucci ring that I was beginning to suspect he hardly took off. I didn't reply, just nodded a little, while I held his gaze. I had never been in this type of situation either. I mean, seriously? In what life did I really expect Colby Brock to kiss me? He looked unsure of what to say from there so I decided to give him a break, and flashed him a small smile. "It's okay, I guess. It hurt a little but I get it. I'm just a fan. It was a mistake, like you said. We were both drinking and just living in the moment. Take Chances, right?" I said, wryly. He smirked a little at that, and sat down on the edge of the pool, dipping his legs into the water. "So, I know you guys are probably leaving after Playlist, and I wanted to-" I shook my head and cut him off. "We're not." He furrowed his perfect eyebrows at me, a little surprised. "Huh?" I couldn't help giggling a little bit at his reaction. He was just so damn cute. "We're not leaving yet. We're finishing out the week. Three more days." He looked...pleasantly surprised. "Really? That's a little weird...because we are too." Now it was time for me to be surprised. "We kind of want to be able to enjoy it a little without so many people," he motioned with his hands at all of the people that were in the pool area. "Around. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's been so much fun, and I love meeting all of the fans. I'm still amazed that people care about us like that, and I'm not sure I even understand it, to be honest." He looked to the side, and brought his hand to his ear, twisting the helix piercing that the had at the top of his ear. I had noticed in videos that he did that a lot. I always thought it was like a nervous twitch or something. Like when he was talking about something serious. "But anyways," he said, dropping his hand, and meeting my gaze again. "We're staying a couple of days after most everyone leaves so that it'll be a little more peaceful. It gets hard to do anything when you're always expected to-" "Colby?" I glanced up to see a young girl, maybe thirteen, standing a little behind him, looking at him nervously. He looked back and gave her the biggest smile. "Hey! What's your name?" She smiled at him nervously, as he brought his legs up out of the water and stood in front of her. Wow, she made him look so tall. I admired him for just a moment, the way the blew his shirt tight against his stomach, the side of the wolf tattoo peeking out on the back of his arm. The way the fairy lights illuminated his blue eyes, and made his hair look even shinier than it was. And that smile. The smile that made my heart skip a beat every time I saw it on screen. In person, I'm pretty sure my heart stopped every time it was directed at me. This trip had already been so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. He must have felt me boring a hole into him, because he glanced my way and winked before giving his full attention back to the girl. A few more had walked up, circling around him. I understood what he was saying about wanting to stay a few more days with less people here. They always gave the fans what they wanted, even though they didn't really get a chance to just be themselves and hangout without people fawning over them. I was a fan, so I understood that side too. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to actually talk to the people that mean so much to you, who have helped you out in your dark times. Just to tell them how much they mean to you. I sighed, and lay back in the pool, floating, staring up at the darkening sky. The purple colors were melding with the pink, where the sun was barely hanging on. I wondered what he was going to ask me. To hang out maybe? That would be amazing. To spend our last few days here, being actual friends with them. I scoffed at myself. In another life maybe. Denise and Kenzie eventually got in the pool and got my attention. "Where's Sarah?" Kenzie asked, looking around the crowded area. I shrugged. I had completely lost her the second I got in the water. "No idea. Probably breaking some poor guys heart," I replied. Denise started laughing and pointed. "I don't know. I think maybe she's met her match." There was a VIP section located behind us, where I saw some of the influencers hanging out. Brennen being one of them. The area was marked off behind a fence so that us normal people couldn't get in to bother them. The area included their own little bar, multiple lounge chairs, a smaller pool, and a hot tub, located in the corner. Brennen was in the hot tub, leaning his head back, looking up at Sarah, who was hanging over the fence talking to him. He seemed to be enjoying it though. I saw security head her way, just as Brennen stood up out of the hot tub. He walked around to the gate and unlocked it, motioning her inside, just as security got close. "Well, I'll be damned," Denise murmured. Kenzie grinned, and rolled her eyes. "Did you really expect anything less from her? The girl is a force to be reckoned with. Can't believe she didn't invite us though." 

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