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Since we were getting back so late, Kenzie and Sarah decided to stay with us for the night. They made some calls, letting their parents know that they were back and safe, then we all dragged blankets and pillows into the living room. We made popcorn, grabbed the chips, sodas and other various junk food that Denise and I had stored for nights like these, and brought them back into the living room with us. "We didn't watch the last episode of Sam and Colby's last series. Do you want to watch it?" Denise asked quietly. Usually, no one had to ask these things. It was a given. We watched Sam and Colby. I nodded, and pursed my lips a little. "Might as well get back into the routine, right? Start it from the beginning. Actually, just start from their first series. We slept a lot so we'll be up a while." She grinned, probably happy to see me acting like I was back to normal. It was all an act though, and my heart reminded me of this, when it seized up as soon as I saw Colby's face pop up on my TV screen. Fuck, but that hurt. His gorgeous blue eyes were staring straight at me, that intense look that he gives the camera. The look I knew to be part of his personality now, not just for the camera. He still hadn't called me, but I kind of didn't expect him too. More than likely, his friends would be waiting to go party or whatever, when they got back to LA. Or maybe he was just tired, or maybe he had to film and edit. I didn't know, but I did know that I didn't expect to hear from him. Regardless, I took out my phone, which I had been avoiding, and scrolled through my social media. He had posted a couple of pics from PlayList of him and Sam, then him, Sam, and the whole group on his Insta. No new stories though. Twitter was next. I really had to remember to take my phone off of silent because I wasn't getting any of my notifs. He and Sam had tweeted. Sam's was "had a blast at PlayList meeting all of you, but so glad to be home." Colby's was true to him being fucking cryptic and simply said "do i or not?" "What the fuck does that mean?" I muttered, shoving my phone back into my pocket. Everyone else was engrossed in the series that was playing on the TV but I couldn't concentrate. Instead, I did the dumbest thing that I could have possibly done and texted Colby. Screw the social media platform, I was just going to dive right in. "Hey. I assume you guys have landed by now. It's getting late so I thought I would text you before I fell asleep." I didn't know what to say. I stared at my screen for a minute before continuing. I heard a little squeal come from the TV, drawing my attention because I knew who it belonged too. Something had scared Colby, and he always makes the same adorable little noise. I sighed and looked back at my phone after watching him smile at the camera. "I miss you." I finished the message off, and hit send, then turned the volume back up on my phone. It was already almost midnight here, so that meant it was almost 9 pm in California. I yawned, and lay my head down on the arm of the couch, pulling my blanket up around me. Nothing left to do now, but try to enjoy the time with my friends. Tomorrow would be my last free day anyways, before I started my job at the hospital. I was kind of excited but not really. It wasn't what I wanted to do. Just a way to make money and pay rent. The usual lifestyle of your average American. I was grateful to Sarah and her dad for giving me the job though. I watched Sam, Corey, and Jake running around the forest, screaming Colby's name, until he randomly walked out of the trees. Damn it, I missed it so much. He ran his fingers through his hair, and my mind flashed back to the hundreds of times I had seen him do that in person. It was really hard to believe that I had spent time with him, hugged him, kissed him, slept with him. I had sex with Colby Brock. Amazing, mindblowing sex. Now I was stuck back in Georgia, watching him through a screen. It seemed like that was all just a dream. A far away reality that didn't really happen, only I could still remember the exact feeling of his hands on me. I pulled out my phone again, and checked it, just to be sure that I had turned the notifications back on. My heart dropped a little when I didn't see anything new, but I expected it. I lay my phone by my head and watched TV until I fell asleep. No dreams, no sadness, just total black bliss had enveloped me. Until I heard music blaring so loud, it seemed like it was right next to my head. I groaned and turned my head over towards the other direction. "Can you guys please turn that shit down?? I'm trying to sleep!" "S'not uh-uh-us," Denise replied, yawning since she had just been woken up too. "Ugh," I exclaimed loudly, snatching my blanket off of me, so that I could get up and turn off whatever the hell was making that noise. Everyone was asleep in their various places around the room, and I noticed that the music was coming from my phone. Which was sitting on my pillow next to where my head had been lying. I snatched it up, confused and kind of angry that someone would call me this late. It was after 3 am. Who the fuck was that disrespectful? Then my heart fell to my feet when I noticed it was Colby's name displayed on the screen. My finger hovered over my phone, as my body froze. "Oh my God T, will you just fucking talk to him, or decline it, but do something. Shut that damn thing up," Denise groaned, pulling her pillow over her head.

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