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I texted this to both girls and then started fiddling with the office phone. Finally, I was able to get Tasha on the phone. "Yes, Ms. Brooks," her voice rang out. I smiled at how formal it sounded. "Can you get Desiree on the line and let her know I'm ready for the tour?" I asked. "Of course Ms. Brooks. Right away. Is there anything else I can do for you?" "Um, no, that's all. Thank you," I answered. I kind of wanted to ask here for a macchiato but I didn't. I wasn't sure how long it would take her to get it and I didn't want it to be cold when I got back around to it. I stood and started putting my things away, trying to personalize my desk a little. I'd have to remember to bring a couple of framed pictures to set up. That task didn't take long at all because I had barely brought anything with me. I sat back down behind my desk, and picked up my phone to entertain myself until Desiree showed up. I didn't even know where she would be coming from. I guess that's what the tour was for. I also wouldn't get my assignments until after the tour, so I had nothing to do for now. There were a few unread text messages for me, so I decided to read through them while I waited. Denise was first, saying how proud she was of me, and how happy. She also said that she better get a tour of my office when she comes to visit me for lunch one day this week. That sounded like an amazing idea to me. Sarah and Kenzie had also texted me back, saying pretty much the same thing. Lunch with all of the girls would have to happen this week. Tara had also texted me. I clicked on it, a stupid happy smile crossing my face. 'OH MY GOD TERRA! When Colby told us that you were here, LIVING here, I was just like I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN ONE DAY!! Congrats on your new job and WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU TODAY!! What time do you take lunch? Kat is right here beside me, and Dev, Xeph, and Cassie. Is it okay if everyone comes?' I laughed at her overly dramatic text and the picture of her I had in my mind of her texting me back, her thumbs just flying across her screen. I texted her back automatically. "YES, YES, AND YES!! Please get everyone to come! I would love to see/meet them all! I'll text you the time after my building tour. I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS!" Smiling to myself, I was about to check Colby's text that had just come in, but Tasha's voice rang out from my office phone. I guess it was an intercom as well. "Ms. Brooks, Ms. Dalton is waiting for you at my desk." I pressed the little light up button marked intercom and spoke back. "Is that Desiree? Where's your desk?" I felt stupid asking these questions, but really, how else was I supposed to know? I heard her little giggle come through. "Yes, I'm sorry. Desiree is waiting for you. Come straight back down the hallway, and my desk is the first one not in a cubicle to the left. You'll see her standing here and we will get to officially meet." I laughed at her excited voice. I think I was going to like it here. "Okay, I'll be right there. Thank you Tasha." "You're very welcome Ms. Brooks." I stood and grabbed my purse and my phone. I remembered that Colby had texted when I was halfway out the door. Another minute wouldn't hurt. I stopped and leaned against the wall outside my office. 'Hey Baby Girl, I hope you're having an amazing first day! You sounded so excited. Thank you for texting me and letting me share it with you. What time do you have lunch? We did have plans, remember?' I rolled my eyes and smiled. He knew that I had cancelled those but he was a persistent one. "Don't know yet. I'll let you know but I'm meeting Kat, Tara, and the rest of the girls today," I sent back. I dropped my phone into my clutch purse, and headed down the hallway. It was easy enough to spot Desiree when I came upon all of the cubicles. She was standing in front of one of the few open desks, laughing and talking with the girl behind it. So far, my boss seemed pretty cool. I walked over to her, and smiled, before turning my attention to the girl sitting behind the desk. "You must be Tasha. I'm so happy to actually put a face to the voice," I said, holding out my hand. She stood and shook it. "It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Brooks. Whatever you need, just let me know. I'm here for you. When you come back from your tour, stop by here and I'll give you your assignments for the day," she replied. I nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much Tasha." I turned back to Desiree...Ms. Dalton? I wasn't really sure how to address her. "I guess we should get going," I said, smiling at her. She smiled back, showing all of her pearly white teeth. "Of course. We'll start at the bottom floor and work our way up. I'll show you around this floor last, because it will be your main area. Sound good?" I nodded again. "Great. Just follow me." The tour didn't take too long, since the areas that I needed to know about were mainly on the fourth floor. She did take me to the first floor, and showed me the visitors room if I chose to have lunch on site with people who didn't work here. "Visitors aren't really allowed up on the main floors so we made a comfortable area where our employees could see them down here. Most people go out to eat with their friends so this doesn't get used often, but it's a nice area." She was right. It was a very nice area. The plush black couch sat on top of a furry white circle rug, with two plump white chairs on either side of it. They sat on smaller furry black circle rugs.

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