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I cleared my throat and nodded. "That's right. You don't faze me anymore. The thrill is gone. You're no longer that amazing YouTuber that I was so obsessed with. You're just another guy now," I said, trying to keep my voice distant and bored as I joked with him. I let out a short startled scream, as he suddenly flipped himself over on top of me, holding himself up with his hands. "So, the fact that you guy you say you've been "pining over," your words, not mine, is laying on top of you right now, wanting to strip every stitch of clothing off of you, and do sinful things to your body until you're lying sweaty and spent beneath him...that does nothing for you?" he asked, taking one hand and running his fingertips down the side of my face, and over my neck, then down to trace my exposed collarbone. I shivered in response to his words and the images that clouded my mind. "Uh," I started, trying to think of something to say, but his lips were so very close to mine, and his eyes...his eyes were staring into my fucking soul, his pupils dilating, taking over the blue as he stared at me. He lowered his lips to mine slowly, so slowly. I sucked in a breath, just before his connected with mine, starting a long drawn out sensation that traveled down my entire body, setting my nerve endings on fire. I opened to him, as he settled himself over me, and I let my hands find their way to his hair, burying themselves into it. As his knee came up between my legs, I groaned into his open mouth. "Oh for fuck's sake!" I felt Colby snatch his mouth away from mine, as Denise's voice broke through my consciousness. "I leave you guys alone all of ten minutes and you're practically already fucking!" "NEECEEE!" I exclaimed, pushing against Colby so that I could sit up. She cocked her hip out and placed her hand on it, looking at me with raised eyebrows. "What? Am I wrong?" I pursed my lips at her. "Yeah, you are. We were kissing. That's it. You're being dramatic," I exclaimed. Denise glanced at Colby, causing me to do the same. The devilish smirk on his face almost had me giggling. "Maybe you should've stayed in the bathroom a little longer. You could've really seen something," he replied. "Colby!" I exclaimed, smacking him on the arm. "Both of you need to stop." I knew that my face was turning red, because I could feel the heat climbing up my cheeks. "Aw, did we embarrass you T. Sweet, innocent Terra gets shy when we talk about sex. Girl, you need to stop. You forget, I was in the room next to you in Florida. The noises I heard-" "DENISE!" I yelled cutting her off. How was my entire face not inflames right now? Colby put his arms around my waist and pulled me against him, while chuckling not so softly. "I think your modesty is cute," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath hitting my skin, and sending shivers down my spine. "Okay lovebirds, can we go? I'm getting more nervous by the second and torturing T is the only thing that seems to calm me down," Denise replied, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, and stood, turning to Colby. "Guess we're ready," I said, holding my hand out to him. He grinned up at me, and took my hand, pulling himself to his feet. "Yeah, we should go. I've tortured Sam enough," he laughed. He grabbed his camera off the bed in one hand, and kept my hand in his other as we made our way out the door and down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom, he turned and led us into a side door of the main house, which turned out to be a bar/restaurant. I spotted Sam, Jake, and Corey sitting at one of the larger tables towards the back of the place. Sam stood when he saw us headed his way. Jake and Corey followed his glance, and stood as well. They looked so out of place, even in Savannah. Georgia just wasn't Los Angeles, and their fashion sense definitely let others know that they weren't from around here. Especially Jake, with his red flared jeans that were three inches shorter than his legs, and his white hair that now had a purple streak in it. "It's about damn time," Sam said, holding his hand out to Colby for the camera. "It would've been sooner Sam, but I told you my alarm didn't go off. Shit happens," Colby retorted, handing over the camera. Sam rolled his eyes as he took the camera, then turned to Denise and I and smiled. "So good to see you guys again," he said, holding his arm out for a hug. I went to him with a smile, letting go of Colby's hand to wrap my arms around Sam. I buried my face into his neck and inhaled deeply. They always smelled so fucking good.  "It's so good to see you Sam. I missed you," I muttered into his shirt, before pulling away. He smiled at me, and winked. "Bet not as much as you missed that guy," he said motioning his head towards Colby. I blushed a little, and shook my head. "Almost just as much," I replied. Denise hugged Sam, while I hugged Jake, with her following my lead. "No hugs for me?" Corey asked, poking out his bottom lip. "I'm sad face now." I giggled a little hugged the Trap boy that I had never met. He was like a big teddy bear, his muscled arms circling my back. "Nice to meet you Terra. I've heard a lot about you," he said, pulling back. I grinned at glanced back at Colby. "Good things, I hope," I replied, looking back to Corey. He grinned. "Oh yeah, mostly." I fake gasped and looked at Colby. "It's okay brother, I won't tell you that you said she makes this cute little noise when you-" "Corey! Stop!" Colby exclaimed, color climbing his cheeks.

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