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"What?" I sputtered out in shock, covering my mouth with my hand since there was food inside of it. "Your mouth is where his mouth was. You kissed," he replied matter of fact. Denise chose that time to die laughing, probably from the look on my face. Colby even looked a little embarrassed, but there was a grin on his face. "Shut the fuck up Jake. You want me to share your ice cream with you baby? Come here." Colby jumped up and dove in between Denise and I, aiming for Jake. "No Bro, What? Stop!" Jake cried, as Colby landed on his stomach, reaching for Jake's small tub of ice cream. Colby just laughed and kept pulling at Jake's arm that he had held high, out of Colby's reach. "Stop it, before you guys get ice cream on me!" Tara screamed, moving away from them. I probably should have moved too, but all I could concentrate on was the fact that Colby's body was right next to mine, ass up, his shirt riding up on his back, showing a strip of tan skin, the top of his infamous black Calvin Klein boxer briefs flashing at me. I might've stopped breathing for a minute. "I swear to God bro, I will pour ice cream in your hair. Say I won't," Jake said, tilting the ice cream container precariously. Colby sobered up really quick. "Okay, okay. Chill bro, damn," he said, rolling over and sitting up, running his fingers through said hair. "You started it," Jake replied, getting comfortable again and taking a bite of his ice cream. Colby rolled his eyes, and chuckled. "You just seemed jealous is all." He shrugged. "I was trying to help." "Whatever," Jake replied, licking his spoon. Colby noticed me staring at him, yet again, and my face flamed up, yet again. I swear, this blushing thing was getting ridiculous. I had blushed more in the past few hours than I had in my entire life. His jean clad thigh was flush against mine, seeing as how he was squeezed in between Denise and I now. Didn't look like he had any plans on moving. I focused on my food, and picked up one of the pickle strips that was still lying on the side, popping it in my mouth, and biting down. I loved the crispness of a good dill pickle. "Oh my God, ew. I'm gonna throw up," Colby said. I glanced at him, pickle still in hand, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?" I asked, following his gaze to the pickle. "Oh yeah...you don't like pickles," I said, realization hitting me. "I forgot for a minute. Is it really that bad?" I asked in amazement. I didn't understand how someone could hate pickles that much. He nodded, pulling his lips up in a disgusted grimace as I took another bite. "Oh that's so gross," he said, then fake gagged. "Oh you baby, stop it. Pickles are amazing," Tara said from behind me. "Actually, are you gonna eat the other one?" I shook my head and passed her the other pickle wedge, while Colby kept pretending to gag. "Here," I said, shoving the half eaten pickle at him. "You wanted to share my food right? Sharing is caring and all that?" He jerked back, knocking Denise off the bed in the process. She yelped and landed in a heap on the floor. "Oh my God, I am so so sorry! Here, let me help you," Colby said, standing up and offering her his hand. She stared at his hand for a second, before placing her palm against his. He pulled her up, and let her hand go. "You okay? I really am sorry. It's Terra's fault though," he replied, sitting back down in the same spot next to me. "Nasty ass," he muttered, glaring at the pickle in my hand like it had personally wronged him. I couldn't help but to laugh, as I bit into it again. "Yeah, she loves pickles. Pretty sure there was an entire thread on Twitter about how much we loved pickles after your tweet and the video with Brennen. Not sure if-" "SHUT UP" I screamed at Denise, effectively cutting her off. Now it was my friends' turn to laugh. I couldn't believe that she was about to tell him what we had been tweeting. I mean, yeah, we tagged him in most of it. He probably saw a LOT of it, but we did it anonymously, under our fan pages. I didn't even want him, or them, to know that I had a fan page for Christ's sake! If he ever found out the things that I had said...I didn't even want to think about it. "No, wait, I think I wanna hear about this," Brennen chimed in, lying on his stomach, his head towards us, his hands propped under his chin. "Go on. What about the pickles?" Kenzie and Sarah laughed harder, but I think it was half in embarrassment, because they had done their fair share of tweets too. I couldn't believe that Denise had even said that, because her's were some of the worst ones! Obviously, we weren't talking about ACTUAL PICKLES. Our tweets tended to get a little...okay, a lot, on the dirty side. "Nope," I said, standing up. "I think it's time to go." Denise actually had the audacity to look at me in confusion. "Huh? Why? I was just gonna say that we weren't sure if we could still stan someone who didn't like pickles..." "That's all, huh?" Sam chimed in from his seat. I had almost forgotten that he was there. "Sorry, been texting Kat. But seemed like Terra got a little upset if that's all you were talking about. I actually remember seeing a LOT of thirst tweets about the whole pickle thing. They. Were. Everywhere." I felt my face flush again. "Nope, we only talked about actual pickles. No thirst from here," I replied, my voice squeaking. I felt Colby's eyes on my face, as I heard the other Trap House members giggle, even Tara. Traitor. "Okay, okay, let's stop torturing them. I'm sure they were really talking about pickles, even though I can't fathom why," Colby said, holding his hands up.

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