89 Colby's POV

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I grabbed my phone with the other and opened my text to Terra. "Goodnight baby girl," was all I responded. I stared at it for a minute, wondering if it was a good idea or not to send it, but then just decided to say fuck it. I wanted to tell her goodnight so I was going to do it. I put my phone on charge, then rolled over onto my stomach and buried my face in my pillow. It didn't take me long to fall asleep, thanks to the alcohol. The next morning, I groaned and rolled over, squinting my eyes at the light that was coming through my curtain. What time was it? Oh God, I had a headache and I didn't even drink that much. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my Tylenol that I had there for these occasions. After sitting up and popping a couple, I washed it down with the water I had next to my bed. I scrubbed my face with both of my hands, trying to wake up. I had things to do today. It was my day to interact on MetaLife and post the daily challenge, plus we had to start researching for our new series today and figure out where to go with that. Not to mention, filming for my personal channel, and following up with business deals that were in the works. I checked my phone, noticing that I didn't have anything from Terra, but I did have a text from Sam. He was reminding me that it was my day for MetaLife, and that he would be over later to film with me for my personal channel. I dragged myself out of bed, and jumped in the shower, hoping that it would make me feel better. As the hot water cascaded over my body and loosened my muscles, I thought back to my time in Florida. Terra said she lived in Georgia. We didn't have a set place for the next series yet...I wondered if there were any interesting haunted places there. I didn't know much about the state, other than it was in the south, above Florida. I'd have to do some research, check it out and talk to Sam, but that was definitely an idea. Of course, we wouldn't be filming for our next series for probably another six weeks, since we had just posted our last one, last week before Playlist. Damn it. It was still something to think about though, hopefully something to look forward too. I finished my shower, and got dressed, just throwing on my MCR cut off, and a pair of grey sweats, before blow drying my hair and fixing it. I would change before it was time to film, but for now, it was comfort. I walked next door to Sam's apartment, knocking once before letting myself in. "Yo!" Sam yelled from up in his loft. "What's up brother?" I yelled back, making my way up the stairs. "What are you doing?" He gave me a deadpan look and pushed back from his computer. "Pulling up MetaLife for you." He stood up and offered his chair to me. "You do that, while I go get my laptop. We have some work to do." I nodded, and took his seat, then logged into my account. This platform was what we had been working towards our entire social media career. A way to help others, give them a place where they would feel comfortable, and not be judged for their feelings. A place to where we could give them tips on life experiences that we had went through ourselves, and let them know what we had learned. Some people were saying that we were trying to be therapists, or just in it for the money. That hurt when I saw people say that, but there would always be haters, no matter what you did. Sam and I knew what we wanted, and to be able to actually say that we did it...there was just something amazing about that. It meant so much to us, seeing all of the people expressing themselves freely, and saying how much MetaLife had helped them already. I scrolled through and replied to quite a few people, then posted the daily challenge. Sam came back up with his laptop and crashed on his giant bean bag, or LoveSak. "What are you thinking for our next series? We can't go out of country again, not yet, so somewhere in the US," he replied, staring intently at his laptop screen, and chewing his lip. "Um, I don't know. You look up some stuff, and I'll look up some stuff, then we'll compare, and see what we can agree on," I replied, knowing full well the place I wanted to go. Sam would know why and he would call me out on it, but if I could find a really great place to go, then he might agree. "Yeah, okay," he replied, typing away on his laptop. I turned back to his desktop and looked up "Most haunted places in Georgia." I scrolled a little, checked out a couple of websites and then noticed something. Every single website that I checked always mentioned Savannah, Georgia. Apparently, pretty much the entire city was haunted. Zak Bagans had been there with Ghost Adventures, and the cast of Ghost Hunters had been investigating there. I started reading up on some of the most haunted places there, and honestly, it seemed like an excellent spot to visit. We would have an immense amount of things to check out, enough to film two series even, if we wanted. "Sam," I said, looking over to him. "Hmm?" he murmured, glancing up at me. "What about this?" I asked, motioning to my screen. He got up, and leaned over my shoulder, reading what was up. "Savannah...Georgia? Really, Colby?" He looked at me and shook his head. "Just shut up and read it. It's nothing to do with that. This place is said to be insanely haunted. Exactly what we're looking for. There's so much history there." I got up, to let him sit down and read it. He took my spot, and I pulled my phone out to see if I had missed anything. 

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