189 'Colby's POV

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I smiled and shook my head. Sam really was a lucky guy and I was so happy that he had Kat in his life. We got out of the car and went inside, finding the other guys lounging on the couch, watching music videos while playing cards. "Hey, how'd it go? Is it official? When's the wedding?" Jake called out when he saw us. I just gave him a deadpan look. "We had a nice time. Terra and I are just friends," I replied. "For now," I added a little more quietly. Sam's face lit up as Katrina sat in his lap and he put it around her hips. "That's what I'm talking about," he replied, laughing at me. "She'll be his before you know it," Kat sighed, leaning back into Sam and kissing his cheek. "They're both so obviously in love, it was kind of hard to watch." I sat down next to Corey, and picked up one of the small decorative pillows. "Shut it," I said stonily, and tossed the pillow at her. She laughed and screamed, ducking her head. Sam caught it and tossed it back, grinning widely. "I'm happy for you brother," he said. I shrugged and shook my head. "Don't be happy for me yet." Sam just smiled at me. "If it's meant to be, it will be." The rest of that day, I kept my phone in my hand, waiting for a text or something from T, wondering if I should just text her. So many times I typed out a text to her, only to delete it. I didn't want to cause any problems between her and Justin. Or I didn't want to make life harder for her. She had been through enough. She knew how I felt so it was pretty much in her hands, leaving me to wait. This was going to kill me. I wasn't a very patient person to begin with. When I saw something I wanted, I went for it. To just sit here and let her have the lead, not knowing what was going on, was actually going to kill me. "It's gonna work out Brother," Sam said, pulling me out of my own head. I nodded at him. "Yeah...maybe," I answered, standing up. "I'm gonna go chill in my room. I'll talk to you guys later." I made my way up the stairs, then stopped and looked down over the banister. What I wouldn't give for her to walk through that door like she belonged here. That had to be her decision but I was going to do everything in my power to make her see that I loved her and I wouldn't give up until she made me. I turned to go to my room, and almost dropped my phone when I heard it letting me know that I had a text. Terra. Terra had texted me. I pumped my fist in the air, and jumped, silently yelling in excitement. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face while I opened the text. 'Hey Colby. I just wanted to say I had a good time today. Thank you for bringing the girls to see me. It was nice to see you too...' What did those three little dots mean? This must be some kind of payback for all of my cryptic tweets. How was I supposed to reply? Jesus, I was overthinking this. Stop being a dork Colby. Okay, I've got this. 'Hey T. No problem. I had a great time today. I hope I get to see you more...' I hit send and waited. And waited. And waited. Oh my God, this was torture. How long does it take to text someone back? She was purposely torturing me! I shouldn't just wait around and- another text came in. I opened it quickly and read it. "Yeah, I hope so too. I've got to go. Justin is home and we're about to have dinner. See you around Colby 🖤" I read through it again, then fell back on my bed with my feet still on the ground. What the fuck did it mean? She had let me know that Justin was home, obviously reminding me that she was in a relationship, living with him even. But then she had sent the black heart. That was my trademark. Damn it. I sat back up and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I had to stop overthinking every little thing. She knew that I loved her. She was going to have to work this out on her on. I would be her friend until she realized she loved me too. Sorry Justin. You seem like a great guy but all's fair in love and war. This is love and war buddy. I shook my head at my own thoughts and stood up to change into my sweats and cut off. I crawled into my bed with my laptop and started watching some YouTube. Somehow, I went from music to watching videos that fans had posted from PlayList three years ago. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but there ya go. I smiled at the young girls going crazy when they would spot Sam and I, or one of the other influencers that was around. The camera was shaking so bad in one of the videos that I couldn't see a thing, at first. Then the girl holding the camera had finally calmed down enough to hold it straight. "Oh my God, do you see that?" she whispered to her friend, as they zoomed in on me at the pool. I was drying off, then stopped at turned my head to watch something. I remembered exactly what I was watching. Or who I was watching. Terra. She had come out of the pool at that exact moment, the water gliding over her skin, her hands pushing her wet hair back out of her face. I remembered thinking that I had to be drooling. Yep, there I go bringing my hand up to my mouth and pinching my bottom lip. "oh my God, he's so hot! Should we go talk to him?" the girl filming exclaimed. She pointed the camera to her friend. Another young girl that shaking her head. I vaguely remembered running into them outside my room actually. "No, I don't think so. Look, he's watching that girl. She's not even pretty!" the girl pouted. I smiled again, knowing that the girl was just jealous because T was fucking beautiful. 

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