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I just stared at him for a minute, so he continued. "Even if you don't feel it, if you get pulled over, it's gonna be bad. Florida cops don't play." I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was right. I still had a good buzz anyways, so I probably didn't need to be driving. "Fiiine," I said, reaching down to dig through my bag for my keys, then tossing them to him. "Don't fuck up my car," I said sternly. "She's my baby." "I'll be gentle, I promise," he said, staring into my eyes. I felt like there was a double meaning behind that statement, and it sent shivers throughout my body. We all sat back down on the now sandy blanket, and just talked for another hour, allowing our suits to dry as much as possible, before climbing into the cars. Sam called for an Uber, then we gathered our things up, and started walking back towards where I had parked. Colby was walking beside Sam, talking quietly to him, while Kat, Kenzie, and Sarah were singing and doing the occasional dance move. I trailed behind them, glancing at Colby's frame from time to time. What was going to happen when we got back to the hotel? I didn't want the night to be over yet. This was it. This was the final night, and I wasn't ready to let go. I felt someone pull my arm slightly, and looked over to see Denise beside me. I hadn't even realized she was there. "Do you need me to bunk with Sarah and Kenzie tonight?" She whispered, a wicked smile on her face. "Oh Necee, stop it," I sighed. "I doubt he even likes me like that. I'm probably just a distraction. Besides, you heard what he said about getting involved with fans. He doesn't want to 'take advantage' or whatever." She smirked at me. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind letting him take advantage of you. From what I saw when we were in the water, looked like you might've had the advantage." I felt my face flush. "Shut up," I hissed, just as Colby looked over his shoulder at me. He winked and smiled ,turning my bones to jelly. Damn him, how was he able to make me feel this way, my insides in utter turmoil, with just a look? It honestly wasn't fair, the amount of power he had over me. "Seriously T. Kat told me that she thinks he honestly likes you. Said that she hasn't seen him this interested in a girl in a while. When he gets a girl for a distraction, it's quick, then she's gone. He lets them know from the start what he wants out of it. He doesn't keep trying, and it's usually just for a night, then he never sees her again." I bit my lip, thinking about that. He hadn't said anything to me about what he expected from this. Honestly, he was really letting me choose the pace of things. Why me though? I didn't understand this. Colby Brock, THE Colby Brock, interested in me? He could have anyone he wanted so why in God's name would he want me? I was nothing special. "Stop overthinking it T. Just have fun tonight. Besides, it's been forever since you've allowed yourself to just...well, be with anyone. How long has it been? 3 years since you've had any action." I looked at her, furrowing my eyebrows. Had it really been that long? Damn. I let out a breath and nodded. "I guess it has been a while. But you know why! I don't want to be that girl again. The girl I was before I found you guys, before Sam and Colby." I shook my head. "I didn't like her." Before, when I use to party a lot, I would do whatever a guy asked me too, if I liked him. If they acted like they liked me back. If they told me they loved me. It didn't take much. I was starved for affection, so I got it the only way that I could. I actually believed them, but turned out they just got what they wanted, then disappeared. "Yeah, I know why, but answer me this. Even if this doesn't turn into anything, even if it's just for fun, for one night of glorious fun with Colby Brock, do you want to do it? Will you go home regretting it, and thinking what might have been, if you don't take that chance?" We reached my car, and I popped the trunk, throwing my things inside. "Yeah, I'll regret it. Who doesn't take this chance?" I nodded at her again. "Okay. IF he offers and things go that way, then I'll definitely take that chance. You don't have to bunk with them though, because I don't even know what's going on." She shrugged and smiled. "Doesn't matter, because I'm pretty sure that I do." She nodded towards Colby, who had finished his conversation with Sam and was headed towards us. He grinned at me as he approached. "So Sarah and Kenz are riding with Sam and Kat. Guess you're stuck with us," he said, smiling at Denise. "That works," Necee replied, opening the back door and climbing in. "Wake me up when we make it back to the hotel," she said, closing the door. I giggled quietly, suddenly feeling nervous. I saw the Uber arrive and the others pile into their car. "Guess it's time to go," Colby said softly. "Guess so," I answered. He opened the door for me, then went around to the driver's side to get in. The ride back to the hotel was quiet, and full of tension. We didn't speak, but at some point during the ride, Colby decided to place his hand on my bare thigh, his thumb tracing small circles against my skin. By the time we made it to the hotel, I was so worked up, I couldn't think straight. I cleared my throat and thought "fuck it, send tweet." "So um," I stuttered out quietly, as he found a parking spot. "I'll have the room to myself tonight, um, if you want to hang out." His eyes snapped to mine, burning into my very soul. "Okay," he said, his voice rough. I woke Denise, who had actually fallen asleep, and we headed to our rooms. 

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