54 (Colby's POV)

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I watched her walk to the bathroom, almost tripping over her own damn feet to get there. I couldn't help but smile a little at how anxious she always seemed to get. It was cute even if I wish that she didn't get that way. Last night had been absolutely amazing. Just sitting here, with her, no expectations, just talking. I kept asking her random questions about herself, because it seemed like the less time she had to overthink, the more relaxed she got. When she was relaxed, I noticed things about her. Like the way she crinkled her nose, when I said that Creep was my favorite horror movie. "I know," she replied, "but I have yet to understand why." She tended to trail her fingers through her hair almost as much as I did, then inspect the ends like she was looking for something. She bit her bottom lip a lot when she was thinking of how to reply to one of my questions. Before she did, she would let her tongue slip out to rest against it, before her teeth would press down gently on her plumb lip. Suddenly, today and tomorrow didn't seem like near enough time before I had to go back to LA. I honestly didn't even know why I was doing this. She lived in Georgia. An entire world away from me. This was never going to work. I wasn't against dating a fan but living in the same area code was usually a better bet. I heard the bathroom door open and glanced over to see her coming out. Her hair was brushed now, and her face was wiped clean of yesterday's makeup. She looked amazing. "Um, I'm going to take a shower. I'll be right out though and then you can jump in, if you want. Or I guess you'd wanna go back to your own room to take one. Whatever," she stammered out, looking cute as hell standing there, twisting a towel in her hands. "How about while you take a shower and get ready, I'll go see if anyone else is up? If they are, I'll catch a shower in my room, cuz my clothes are there and then I'll come back. Sound good?" I wasn't ready to leave her yet but I did need a shower. I probably looked like shit, and I know my breath was kicking. My mouth tasted like ass. She gave me a shy little smile and nodded. "Okay," she replied softly. She started going through her closet picking out clothes, while I stood and stretched the kinks from my body. I glanced back over to her to catch her staring at me. Her cheeks tinted and she jerked her eyes away from me, turning back to her closet. I couldn't help but feel a little smug, but I didn't say anything. I walked over to her, and slid my arm around her waist, pulling her to me. Didn't have time to waste. I might not ever see her again after tomorrow. She gasped, her eyes going wide as I spun her around to face me, and pulled her body against mine. "I just have to taste you again," I muttered, a little confused about the intensity of the situation. It was like I needed this to happen again. I had to kiss her and I couldn't stop myself. My fingers flexed against her shirt, gripping her hips, as I lowered my mouth to meet hers. Her aqua eyes fluttered closed, just as I pressed my lips against hers. It was the same as last time. A feeling so intense, it didn't take much for me to get lost in her again. I moved one of my hands to the back of her head, tangling it in her hair, putting more force into the kiss, moving my lips with hers. Her hands came up to my chest, her nails scoring me a little through my cut off, but I didn't mind. I pushed my tongue against her lips, willing her to open for me, invite me in. When she did, I didn't waste time, delving inside of her mouth, tasting her. My senses were overriding my brain, as I lost myself even more. She wound her arms around my neck, winding her fingers into my hair, and pressed her lips against mine with just as much ferocity as she was receiving. I wanted her. I needed her. I growled against her lips, and pushed her against the wall, hard. She gasped, but clung to me even tighter. My hand left her hair, and found her waist again, shoving her shirt up until I found skin, digging my fingers into the soft flesh there. She whimpered, and it almost made me lose my fucking mind. I craved her. I had only intended on kissing her, lightly even, then I would go take a shower. The second my lips touched hers, that thought was out the window and this was all I needed to survive. I pushed my center against hers, shoving her back into the wall, while I let my hands find their way to her rib cage, aching to go further, but not daring too. This was too fast. I didn't want her to think she was just another quick fuck. I gathered every bit of self control that I had, and stilled my hands, gripping her rib cage, while I tore my mouth from hers. Her breath was coming in short gasps, matching my own, and I almost caved when I let my eyes trail down to her lips, seeing them swollen and pink from our kiss. Her eyes were hooded, pupils blown, and I knew in that moment that I could have taken what my body was craving, and she wouldn't have said no. Something was stopping me though. She wasn't just some random girl that would help me pass the time. She was different...special. I cleared my throat, ready to apologize, but I saw her eyes flash. "Don't you dare Colby Brock," she bit out, her words hard and clipped. I dropped my hand from the wall, where I had at some point in time braced myself, and looked at her, confused. "Don't what?" Why was she angry at me? I know I shouldn't have just pushed myself onto her like that, but it didn't seem like she minded at the time. 

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