72 (Colby's POV)

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"Scared Cooollbbbyyy?" "No, I-" "Yeah, let's get in the water! It's what we came here for, right?" Denise exclaimed, jumping up and stripping her clothes as well. Sarah and Kenzie stood and starting doing the same. "Well shit," Sam said, watching them. "I guess we're getting in the water," Kat said, standing up, so she could start taking her clothes off too. Sam and I looked at each other warily. "That water is going to be really cold probably." I nodded in agreement. "But do we even have a choice?" I asked. He glanced at the girls again, and so did I, my gaze meeting Terra's. "No. You don't. Come in the water with us, or you're both pussies," she said, raising her eyebrows and standing with her hands on her hips. The liquor had made her brave. That was sexy as hell. I raised my eyebrows, and Sam and I both stood. I kept my eyes lock on hers. "I'm not a pussy," I replied, letting my voice go deeper than usual. There was only about 6 inches in between our bodies, and I was a little taken aback when she leaned in even closer. I felt her warm breath on my ear, the smell of the alcohol strong. "Prove it," she whispered, before grabbing Denise's hand and running full speed towards the ocean waters. "What in the actual fuck has gotten into them?" I mused. "A bottle of whiskey," Sam replied wryly as Sarah, Kenzie, and even Kat took off to the water. "You know we have to go in, right?" he asked, cutting his eyes to me. I nodded. "I know. Let's get it over with," I replied, pulling my shirt up over my head. I looked out to the inky black waters, and noticed Terra right away. Her white bikini seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. They weren't far out, having sense even when inebriated, to stay closer to shore at nighttime. She ducked under, then came back up, pushing her wet hair back from her face. If you had asked me what the others were doing at that time, I couldn't have answered you. I only had eyes for her. I didn't have a clue what this girl was doing to me in such a short time period, but she actually had my chest aching with how absolutely beautiful she looked right then. Sam and I jogged towards them, splashing through the cold water. "Oh my God, it's cold!" I exclaimed. stopping once it reached my waist. The girls were a little further out, laughing at me and Sam. He had stopped too, and had his arms wrapped around himself. "It's not that bad, you babies!" Kat exclaimed, wading back towards us. "Katrina, it's cold. Look, my nipples have totally disappeared. It's fucking cold," Sam said, flicking one of his tiny nipples that had long been a joke with the fandom. I laughed. "It's only a little cool. This isn't even cold!" Terra shouted, splashing the water with her hand. I shook my head, and wading further out towards her. "Maybe to you," I replied. The cold water inched over my waist, and up my abdomen the further out I went. I sucked in a breath when the cold water hit my stomach, making it quiver. "Shiiit," I hissed out. Terra just laughed at me again and waded towards me. Once she reached me, she surprised me by putting her arms around my neck, and playing with my hair, while she met my gaze. Those aqua eyes did me in. My hands found her hips and rested there, after squeezing gently. She leaned towards me and my first thought was 'finally. finally I was going to be able to kiss her tonight,' but her lips never met mine. Instead I felt them graze my ear as she softly said "pussy," then unwrapped her arms quickly, and shoved me in the chest so that I fell backwards into the cold water. I came up sputtering, wiping the water from my eyes, in total shock, searching for her when I opened them. She had backed away a good few feet, and had her hand over her mouth laughing with wide eyes. "Oh, you asked for it," I growled, a smile on my face as I advanced towards her. And that's how the splash war started. Somehow everyone got involved and we were all just splashing water at each other. "Brother!" Sam yelled as I hit him dead in the face with a gallon of water. "Every man for himself Sam!" I yelled back as I moved away from him. I spotted Terra again, just as she got hit in the face with water by Katrina. She moved away from her, then spotted me moving towards her. She moved pretty fast to be in the water, but I eventually caught her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She fell back into me, laughing. "Where do you think you're going, huh? Can't get away that easily," I whispered in her ear. Her wet hair clung to my chest as she turned her head to look up at me. "Why would I want to get away from you?" she breathed out softly, those aqua eyes staring into mine. "I let you catch me." I smirked a little. "Is that right?" I asked, keeping my hands on her body, letting them trail around her skin as she twisted in my arms so that she was facing me, then put her arms back around my neck. "Are you still drunk?" I asked, my voice raspy from the need I was feeling right now. Her body was now pressed up against mine, slick and warm. I tightened my grip on her hips just a little to keep from groaning as she shifted her legs, rubbing against me. There was no way that she didn't feel what she was doing to me, as close as she was. "Nope. I still have a buzz but the water pretty much sobered me up. I know what I'm doing," she replied, her voice steady and low. Her fingers buried into the hair at the nape of my neck and stayed there. I cleared my throat, before speaking, hoping my own voice was steady. She had me messed up right now.

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