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"Their jaws will be on the floor!" My eyes widened at what she had said. I pointed towards my phone, out of the screen, trying to tell Denise that Colby was on there. She raised her eyebrows when she caught on, and mouthed the word "oops." "Hey Colby! How've you been?" She asked, ducking her head into the line of view. He was quiet for a moment, staring at me when I dared to look at the screen, with a thoughtful, not so happy look on his face.He met Denise's gaze and smiled, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes. "I'm okay Necee. Doing great! Look, it was nice talking to you guys, but I have to go. Have fun." He met my gaze for half a second, then disconnected before I could say bye. I had a funny feeling in my chest, and I didn't like it at all. "Why'd you have to say that with him on the phone?!" I exclaimed, huffing out a breath as I attacked my hair with my brush again. "I didn't know that you were on the phone with him T. Besides, he knows you're hot. It's not a big deal. Let's goooo." She grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. "It just seemed like something about that bothered him. I don't want him being unnecessarily jealous," I replied, grabbing my purse. She turned around to look at me and sighed. "T, you do know that you aren't dating right? He doesn't have a right to be jealous. Now, if he would actually talk to you, or you to him about what in the fuck is going on with you two, then maybe he would have a right. Come on, no Sam and Colby, remember?" I still felt that twisting in my chest, but I knew that she was right. There wasn't anything going on with Colby and I, other than friendship with the occasional perverted comment. That's what today was about. Living my life and not worrying about him every second of the day. I sighed heavily. This was going to be a challenge. It took us about forty minutes to get to the mall in the next town over. We parked and got out of the car, situating our clothes before we walked towards the building. "Where to first?" Denise asked, glancing at me. I caught her eyes and smiled. "Bath and Body Works!" we replied together, then laughed. "Then we can hit Hot Topic, and just make our way around," I added. She nodded. "Okay, lets do it." The trip was already so much fun, as we walked around Bath and Body Works, testing all of the body sprays and lotions. I already knew I would be getting my usual "Pretty as a Peach" but that didn't stop me from testing every single one. We smelled all of the candles, and picked out a couple to take home. After we made our purchases, we made our way over to Hot Topic, to check out their clothes and accessories. "Ah fuck, I forgot about that..." Necee said, stopping short, just as we entered the store. Over to the side, where they kept the rows and rows of t-shirts, was Sam and Colby XPLR merch. I honestly wasn't going to be able to escape them. Might as well learn to deal with it. I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. Come on." We headed over to the t-shirts, but I avoided any of the XPLR merch. That was one of the hardest things that I had ever done. Usually, that would be the shirts that I was looking for, buying every single one they had, if I had the money. I picked out a couple of random shirts, before I couldn't take being over there anymore. "I'm gonna go look at the chains and stuff," I told Denise, before making my way over to the area by the counter. I picked out a few more things, then purchased them. I took my bags, told Denise I would be outside, then walked out to wait on her. I found a nearby bench, and pulled out my phone to wait. The drama on social media about me being the girl that Colby was with had died down, when I told them that it was me but I rarely saw him. Only at the pool, and then again in the hallway, where he had hugged me, and thanked me for helping with the out of control fans. That was it. That was the hardest lie that I've ever had to tell, to this date. When really all I wanted to do was shout it to the roof top that I loved Colby Brock and he might possibly like me. That I got to spend time with him, and get a little taste of what it might be like to be loved by him. Couldn't do that though. I would never endanger his career like that. This was my secret to keep, and I would keep it. I didn't need the world to know. Colby had posted a new story, but I didn't get a chance to watch it, because Denise came out right then, her hands loaded down with bags. "Oh my God, what did you do, rob them?" She laughed and shook her head. "No, I got a raise at work. Thought I would splurge a little." "Why didn't you tell me?!" I exclaimed. "That's so great! I'm happy for you!" "T, you haven't really been in the talking mood lately. I did tell you. You were just living inside your head and ignored me," she replied, looking a little apprehensive about saying that. I felt bad now. "Necee, I'm sorry. I've been a bad friend. You know how emotional I am. Things just hit me harder than they do most people, and then with Colby, it's even worse. I'm sorry," I replied again. "No, you've been going through stuff and I get that. It's okay T. I figured I would tell you again, when you pulled yourself out of it." She grinned, and nudged my shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to eat." We walked to the food court and decided on Chik-Fil-A. I mean, come on. It's Chik-Fil-A. After standing in line for what seemed like forever, we found a table in the middle of the crowded area, next to a table with three guys laughing and playing around with one another. 

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