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"It really does. I have a serious question though," her head bounced between me and Kat. "Where are we eating? It's after one already so we have to hurry. I'm starving and we don't want to make T late on her first date." "There's actually a sub shop like 2 blocks that way. We can walk there. You guys okay with that?" I asked. They both shrugged. "Fine with me," Kat replied. "Hey Colby!" she yelled, looking back towards a dark haired man sitting on the lobby couch with his back to us, that I hadn't noticed before. Fuck. He rotated his head towards us and smiled at me, punching me directly in the gut. "Subs okay with you, for lunch?" He looked away from me, to answer Katrina. "Yeah, that sounds great," he replied, grinning. Kat turned her head back towards me and met my shocked gaze. "We needed a ride," she said, shrugging then winking at me. I scowled at here. "Kat, I'm in a relationship. Very happy. This isn't a good idea," I whispered to her as she took my arm in hers. "Oh? Colby might've mentioned that. We're all just friends though. No worries," she replied, leading me back over to Colby, with Tara on my other side. Why did I feel like I was being ambushed? When we reached him, he met my gaze and grinned, that big beautiful grin. Damn it, now I was being attacked. This wasn't fair. I couldn't help but to smile back. "I didn't know you were still coming," I told him wryly, watching his eyes crinkle from his smile. He shrugged. "You invited me so why wouldn't I?" he replied. I rolled my eyes. "Pretty sure I told you NOT to come after...the other night," I answered, side glancing at Katrina, who was laughing silently. "Wait, what happened the other night? You just said that you ran into her at the club. Was there more? Cuz she's acting like there's more. COLBY SPILL!" Tara went on a rant, all of her four foot eleven self, demanding that Colby start talking. She was actually kind of intimidating. He blushed, and ran his hand through the hair at the back of his head. "I might've left out some stuff. Um, Terra can tell you, if she wants, later. Right now, let's go eat before her break is over" He held his hand out to me, but Kat stepped in between us. "Let's get going then," she said, ignoring the fact that she blatantly stopped me from taking his hand. I was grateful. I didn't need him doing things like that, when it was very hard for me to resist him, even though I was with Justin and I loved Justin. We walked towards the sub shop, Kat and Tara on either side of me, Colby trailing behind us. "I can't believe that you've been here for two years and we didn't know!" Tara exclaimed, glaring at me a little out of the corner of her eyes. I cringed. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't really have a good explanation, other than I didn't think I could handle it...after everything." I didn't want to bring up the addict thing, or Colby just yet. I would tell them when he wasn't around...maybe. "I had my reasons, and I'll try to explain another time. Can we just enjoy this?" I begged. Both Kat and Tara stopped, which had me halting in my tracks. Colby ran smack into my back, pitching me forwards. The girls caught my arms, as I felt Colby's warm arm go around my waist, before I could hit the hard concrete that was speeding towards my face. They set me back up straight, and Tara started to laugh. "I guess some things never change," she replied, referring to how they first met me. I blushed. "Shut up. That was Colby's fault, not mine," I huffed out. "My fault?!" he exclaimed indignantly. "You just stopped in front of me! I didn't know you were going to do that!" I ran my hand through my hair as I turned to face him. Damn it. Shouldn't have done that. His eyes held me in place and I forgot what I was going to say. "T? You good?" Kat asked, giggly. Damn her. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I'm fine. But if you guys hadn't stopped so suddenly, then I wouldn't be having this argument with Mr. being on my ass over here." I knew that was a stupid reply but my brain seemed to have stopped coming up with good replies. Colby chuckled and raised his eyebrows at me. "I wasn't on your ass, but I'd like to be," he replied, his voice going all dark and deep, while his lips just barely turned up at the corners, smirking at me. I didn't have a reply. All coherent thoughts left my head as his eyes bored into mine. His words brought up memories that I wasn't ready to think about, especially not right now. His hands on my body, his mouth on mine, that tongue...oh my God, that tongue. I inhaled sharply, realizing that I had forgotten to breathe. I glared at him, regaining control of myself. "Let's just go eat," I said, annoyed that he still had this affect on me. I walked towards the sub shop, and opened the door, still hearing all of their annoying giggles behind me. Ugh, I hated them. I didn't, but I didn't like them very much in this moment. My stomach started growling as soon as I entered the restaurant. It smelled amazing in here. Besides the different types of breads and toppings, they sold mini pizzas, salads and random desserts. We got in line, Kat and Tara pushing in front of me, leaving to stand beside Colby. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were trying to shove us together. When Tara glanced back at me and winked, I realized I didn't know any better and that's exactly what they were doing. I shook my head and looked down, smiling to myself. I don't know why I didn't see this coming. 

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