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 I gulped, looking up into his blue eyes, and managed to nod. Why was he calling me Princess? I was too embarrassed to ask. The fact that he was calling me by a pet name was driving me crazy thought. Did he do that to everyone? Or was I different? Uh unh, nope, don't start that train of thought Terra. Do not go there. This is nothing more than him thanking us for helping him. He's being nice. Besides, he doesn't have a clue who you are, and you just met him. Slow the fuck down. This isn't Twitter anymore. I took a deep breath and turned towards the door, noticing my friends standing off to the side looking shell shocked. Someone was going to have to pinch me because I still wasn't totally sure that I wasn't dreaming. I poked my head out the door, and saw that the hallway wasn't as packed as it was earlier, but there were still a lot of people out there. A lot of teenagers...I shut the door and turned around, coming face to face with Colby's exposed chest. "Oh!" I exclaimed, as I basically fell into him again. This was becoming a habit and it had only been a few hours. His large hands caught me by my upper arms, steadying me, as my own hands fell against his hard chest. Fucking hell. My breath caught in my throat as I let my eyes travel over the exposed skin, tracing over the little bit of his tattoo that peeking out, the freckle that sat over his sternum, up over the chains that rested there, the hollow of his throat, to that amazing fucking jawline that I had zoomed in on multiple times in pics that were online, to those lips...those full pink lips that he constantly complained about, saying they were chapped, the ones that the fandom teased him about...all I saw was perfection. My eyes stayed there for a moment, stuck, until I heard him clear his throat. My eyes shot up to his, and I jerked my hands back away from his chest, while my face started burning again. "Um, sorry. Didn't expect you to be so close." I let my gaze drop in embarrassment, and glanced back to the door. "There are a lot of teenagers out there. I don't know if we can make it without you being noticed. They seem to be staring over here and walking back and forth a lot. The other girls probably spread the word." He sighed heavily, and let him hands drop my from arms. "Okay, I'm tired of this. Fuck this." Without another word, he walked to the balcony door and slid it open, and stepped out onto the platform. "What are you doing?" Denise asked, looking from him to me, with confusion in her eyes. "I'm gonna jump over to my balcony. It's not far. I can do it, no problem," he replied, glancing back inside at us, shrugging. My eyebrows shot up. "Wait, what?! No, you'll kill yourself! Don't do that!" I exclaimed rushing forwards, as he leaned over the front  barrier, looking towards his own balcony. They were separated by thick concrete walls, so that it was boxed in and private. He would have to literally hang over almost thirty stories with nothing under his feet, and climb around to his side. By the time I made it to him, he was already sitting on the thick railing, next to the barrier wall, his arms placed against it for support. "Colby, just wait! We can call downstairs or something, get someone up here. This is just stupid!" He stood up on the railing, holding onto the wall, then crouched back down so that his face was close to mine. "I thought you were a fan? This is what I do." I was momentarily stunned into silence again, by how close he was to me, and snapped my mouth closed from whatever words were about to fall out of it. "This is insane...is this happening?" Denise breathed, her deep brown eyes wide as he watched him shuffle around on the railing, the chain on his pants swinging a little with his movements. "We can't let him do this," I whispered back. I honestly wanted to just reach up and pull him down, but I was scared that I would make him fall. I know that Sam and Colby, Colby especially, was a like a damn monkey in most of their exploring videos but they didn't do those anymore. Unless they did things like this just for fun, I hadn't seen them do anything like this, for a very long time. "Colby, please don't do this. You could fall," I basically whimpered out, staring up at him. He looked down, smiling that beautiful smile. "I'll be fine. Piece of cake. I got this, don't worry." Sarah and Kenzie hadn't said a word, and just stood behind us on the balcony watching with open mouths what was happening in front of us. I couldn't take this. I didn't want to look away but I could only think of one person who could help. So I darted back into the room, out the door, into the swarm of people and started pounding on the door of the room next to ours. I didn't yell his name, because I didn't want people knowing who was in this room, even if most of them suspected by now. "Hurry up please!" I cried, as I heard a shuffling behind the door. It cracked open and I saw Brennen's eyes look through the crack. He opened the door a little more, his eyes furrowed in confusion. "Aren't you-" I didn't wait. I pushed past him, my eyes scanning the room for Sam. He was sitting at the little table in the corner of the room, next to the balcony door. Great. I ran straight up to him and grabbed his arm, watching his head shoot up in surprise. "What the-?" "Colby's trying to jump over to this balcony. Help," I said, letting the words fall from my mouth so fast, I wasn't even sure if he understood me. I let him go, and opened the balcony door, walking out onto it. 

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