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Kenzie and Sarah jumped up from their seats on the foot of the bed and headed towards their room. "Yeah, we should sleep. This trip has already been so much more than I could have ever imagined," Sarah said dreamily. "Goodnight you guys, love you!" "Love you too biiissshh!" Denise and I said together. I reached for my phone that I had set on the little table when I changed, and swiped, opening my home page. "I wouldn't," Necee said, watching me. "It's bad, isn't it?" I whispered, my finger hovering over my phone. She nodded, and lay back against her pillows. "Kind of. They're talking about how Colby grabbed a random girl and ran into her hotel room to avoid the fans. They're calling him names, saying he doesn't care about them, etc, etc." She sighed, and looked back over to me. "I knew this was going to happen," I replied, going straight to Twitter on my phone. Insta would be bad too, but Twitter went hardcore. "Oh my God, there are videos and pics of it. Of when he first pulled me into our room. And our room number!" I continued scrolling, seeing the things that they were saying about Colby, about me. "Oh Jesus, the video that girl took of me ranting when they were at our door. They don't have our faces in it tho, since it was hanging down by her side. She wasn't smart enough to tilt it up, thank God." Someone even said he'd rather "fuck some ugly whore" than talk to the people that supported him. I had already tweeted a whole ass paragraph in reply to that, but stopped myself just before I hit reply. I shouldn't get involved. For one, no one knows that the girls in the video was myself and my friends. This would hopefully die down after a couple of days. I was sure Colby would talk to them...maybe. He did tend to avoid them when they got crazy. I couldn't blame him though. There's only so much hate a person could take. Why would you want to  have to explain every little thing that you do? The video didn't give a very clear view of my face but that didn't really matter. I had personally seen them figure out who people were on less...this could be bad. I automatically went to my personal Insta, changed my profile pic to some quote, and set it to private. I didn't have a personal Twitter so I wasn't worried about that...except my selfies for merch and the days that the guys posted. Fuck. Maybe no one would look into it. There were way too many for me to delete! I had even done that on my Insta too for Admin Fridays...this could be bad. All I could do was hope and pray that the video was too vague...but I was positive that there would be more. They had the room numbers. I already knew that we wouldn't be able to change rooms. The place was too packed. There wouldn't be any available. I had to put my phone down because I was just getting more and more angry with everything that I saw them saying about Colby. The fact that this was happening again...after everything that he had done for all of us. I sighed and rolled over. This was going to be a long night. I ended up tossing and turning all night, like I knew that I would. Bad dreams plagued me while I slept, the nasty words from Twitter and Insta running through my mind while I was awake. The next morning, when my alarm went off, I groaned and reached for my phone, wanting to kind of smash it since it was so rudely blaring that offensive sound. My eyes felt crusty and swollen from lack of sleep, my head foggy. "Neceeeee," I groaned out, as I stopped the alarm. "Get up." She just moaned and rolled over. "Denise, it's time to get up. We have to get ready. The convention is in a few hours, and the meet and greet with Sam and Colby is afterwards." "We already met them," she mumbled into her pillow. I rolled my eyes, and hoisted my tired body to a sitting position. I grabbed the pillow that I had previously had my head on, and swung it across the space in between our beds, connecting with her legs. "Get the FUCK UP!" I yelled. "You slept more than me, now get your lazy ass up." "Oh my GOoood, you are so annoying!" she groaned. I just laughed and stood up. "I'm going to take a shower. Your ass better be up, when I get back." I crossed the room and opened the door to Sarah and Kenzie's room. "You guys up?" I asked, looking in and seeing Kenzie getting out of bed. "No," Sarah grumbled. "I swear, you and Necee are the worst morning people. Come on, we've got a big day ahead of us." I leaned over her bed and swatted her ass. "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting up," she replied, leaning her head up and yawning. "Why are you so chipper any damn ways? You look like you didn't sleep for shit." I bit my lip, remembering exactly why I didn't sleep. "Yeah, I didn't sleep all that well, but I'm sure after a shower and a couple of energy drinks, I'll be fine. Wouldn't be the first time that I've run on little to no sleep. I'm just excited to continue our adventure! So come on!" I left the room, and grabbed my clothes for my shower. Thirty minutes later, I was out, towel drying my hair as I walked across the hotel room in a towel. "Your turn," I told Denise, who was STILL lying in the bed. She groaned again, but got up and got her stuff, walking to the bathroom without a word. I started digging through my suitcase, wishing that I had actually hung my clothes up now, when there was a knock on the door. "Fuck," I whispered, and padded across the carpeted floor to answer it. I glanced out the peep hole, and saw Tara. The fuck was she doing here? I glanced down at my towel, then shrugged. 

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