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 Actually meeting them, even for a few minutes, and being able to tell them personally how much they mean to me...that was going to be everything. At the same time, it was never going to be enough. I glanced around as Denise slowed and pulled into a parking lot of this huge hotel. I leaned up and turned the radio down, which was blasting the 'Trap House Anthem,' a hilarious, but pretty catchy song written and sang by Sam, Colby, Jake, Corey, and Aaron. "Is this it?" I asked, looking at it in amazement. She nodded, leaning her head forwards so that she could look up through the windshield. "It's so big..." Kenzie whispered. "That's what she said," Sarah busted out, making us all laugh. "Leave it to you, you freaking crackhead," I giggled. She just shrugged. "It's what I do." I rolled my eyes as we stepped out of the car. The weather was incredible. The sun beat down on us, making it feel a little warmer than my car's temp display of 73 degrees. The wind blew over my skin, lifting my hair as I shielded my eyes, looking up at the massive hotel. "Yep," Sarah said, looking up at it. "This is the World Center Marriott. Where most of the creators stay and the home to Playlist Live. We're finally here girls!! Let's goooo!" Denise popped the back, then threw me my keys. I pocketed them, and walked around to help gather our stuff. "This is not a hotel. This is a fucking resort," I breathed, pulling my suitcase out of the car, along with my travel toiletry bag. Sarah shrugged. "Yeah, it is. Pretty nice." I shook my head at how blase she was being about it, even though I knew she was used to this type of thing. To see it in pictures, and to actually be somewhere like this were two totally different things. I couldn't stop staring at it. It had to be almost 30 stories high, the sunlight glittering off of the many windows like diamonds, the palm trees waving slightly in the breeze. It was like something out of a movie. The parking lot was almost full, which meant that people were arriving early, just like we were. But we planned on staying a couple of extra days. Playlist only lasted three days, starting tomorrow. We were going to stay a total of five night, six days, including tonight. We lugged our bags out of the car, and towards the hotel, noticing that a lot of people were doing the same. "Jesus, there are a lot of people here already. Do you think the guys are here yet?" Denise asked, watching a teenage guy with vibrant red hair walk by us with his family. An adorable little girl, maybe five or six, with frizzy braided brown hair, was holding his hand. "We gonna meet Sam and Colby, right Michael? I wanna give them a hug. They're funny." I grinned, as I watched him swing her up into his arms and plant a kiss on her cheek. "Yes Sadie, we're gonna meet them and you'll get to hug them." She squealed and threw her arms around his neck. "Looks like you'll have some competition for Colby's affections T," Kenzie said, winking at me when I looked over to her. I shook my head and smiled. "If she's my competition, I've already lost. Imagine them picking her up and holding her. My heart can't take it," I replied, picturing the image in my head. We made it inside the hotel, falling in line behind the cute family. I looked around the building, awestruck at what was in front of me. There was nothing like this in my little town and while my parents might have went on business trips to other places, I had never been anywhere. This was a first for me.  The lobby was enormous. There was glass everywhere. Above me, the ceiling was just clear glass, letting the sunlight shine through. Around me, there were white pillars adding to the classiness of the place. The check in desk sat right in the middle of the room, with a man and woman dressed in black blazers standing behind it. They smiled at us as it became our turn to check in. "Hi, Welcome to the World Center Marriott Hotel. Do you have a reservation?" Sarah got us all checked in to our suite, throwing her dad's name around a little, and flipping her hair at the cute guy in the blazer. She was incorrigible but I loved her. I let my mind wander again, as I waited for everything to be finished. Sarah turned back to us, flipped her hair behind her, and held up two door cards. "We got two rooms?" I asked in surprise. "I thought we were just sharing one." She shook her head, with a big grin. "Nope, Dad upgraded us cuz I told him that it would be kind of hard for all four of us to get comfortable in one room. The rooms are adjoining though, so we can just leave the door open." "That's so fucking cool," Kenzie said, sighing. She put her arm around one of those huge white columns and swirled around it. "This place is amazing!" Denise and I nodded, while Sarah laughed at the wonder on our faces as we looked around. "Okay, let's go before we have to start pushing our way past people," she said, motioning her head behind us to the door. I turned and saw what looked like fifty more people coming inside. "Shit," I whispered, picking my suitcase back up. "Do you need help with your bags?" The guy at the desk asked, winking at Sarah. "No, we're good. Thank you though cutie. We appreciate it." She winked back and sauntered past us with her own bag. I rolled my eyes, with a smile and followed. "Jesus, Sarah, I think he would've taken you right there on there desk if you would've let him." She laughed. "He would've but now isn't the time." We laughed and joked around, shoving each other a little as we got off of the elevator onto our floor.

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