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I shivered a little, really liking the fact that he was now calling me babe and baby. Like we were an actual couple. "Let's do it," I said, looking around the table. "What's on the agenda for today? What are we doing first?" I asked, throwing more excitement into my voice. I was actually very excited, just a little nervous. "I was thinking that we could start with the Bonaventure Cemetery. It's got a good history and a lot of dead people," Sam replied, shrugging with a little grin. "As good a place as any, I guess." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Yeah, sure, let's just grab the candles and do a seance in the middle of a cemetery where a million dead people, and spirits are close by. You guys are insane." They all laughed except Corey, who was sitting back with his arms crossed over his body. "I tell them that all of the time. I'll go to the cemetery but I'm not doing anything like that. That's too much energy to mess with," he replied, his eyes wide. "Yeah, we should just explore it and maybe see if anything weird happens but let's not pull out anything crazy yet. Let's save that for the most haunted place," Colby said, winking at me. "Before we get started filming and everything, we need to work out some stuff. I'll go rent another room for Terra and Denise so they can put their stuff up. Also, when we're filming, it's going to be hard to keep you out of the frame. We can do our best but you'll more than likely show up at least a few times. Would you like to be introduced or for us to act like you aren't there when we start filming?" Sam was really getting into the whole business side of things right now. It was funny how his personality changed like that sometimes. Just like Colby with his goofy side and his moody serious side. They were so different from each other but worked so well together. It was an amazing thing to see. "Um..." I started, unsure of which choice would be the better option. "Maybe we should just ignore it. If we draw attention to them, give our their names, it won't take the fans long to track them down," Colby replied. "Wait," I interjected. "There's a problem. People know who we are. We've posted our pics online many times with our fan pages. Most of the drama from PlayList has blown over, but I had to deal with a lot of crap for a while. This might not work." I bit my lip, looking up to meet Colby's gaze. "I don't want to cause any trouble for any of you and I know that some people will recognize us. It's inevitable. How about we just stay here tonight and wait for you guys to get back?" I really didn't want too, because I knew how long I had been actually dreaming of going on a haunted exploration with them, but it just seemed like the best option. Sam and Colby both shook their heads. "No, that's not happening," Sam said harshly. "Not after what happened last night." "You're both coming with us. We'll try to keep you out of the frame as much as possible and just edit it up so that you're not in it at all. No big deal, okay?" He raised his eyebrows, and looked at me questioningly. I glanced at Denise, but she just shrugged. I sighed, when I met his gaze again. "Fine. I guess that'll work." I didn't really want to stay in the hotel without them anyways. I mean, I wasn't exactly scared...but I didn't want to be here without them. Maybe I was a little scared. Colby's face broke into that big grin that I loved so much, taking over half of his face and he squeezed me against his side. "That's my girl," he whispered, kissing my head, as my heart fell to my feet. "Okay, let's get started then. We're going to do a little exploring here first, then the outside grounds, nearby areas, then the graveyard when it starts to get dark. Sound good?" Sam asked, standing and pushing his chair back. We all stood too, and the guys nodded, except Corey. "I don't have  much of a choice but I would like to say that no, Sam, it does not sound good. It does not sound good at all," he replied, his eyes wide as he raised his eyebrows at Sam. Denise and I giggled a little, and he turned his face towards her. "What's so funny?" he asked, smiling a little. Her giggles turned into laughter then, and she flipped her hair back in a very Sarah type move. "The fact that I'm watching you be scared in person instead of through a screen...and I love it," she replied, laughter mixed with her words. "I'm not scareeedd," he whined. "I'm just saying, in a graveyard, at night, a mix of young guys and girls...literally the beginning of every horror story ever. This won't end well." She rolled her eyes at the same time as I did and smacked his arm. "You'll be fine, you big baby. Suck it up. I'll protect you," she said, grinning up at him. "They seem to be getting on well," Colby's voice and his warm breath on my ear distracted me from what Denise and Corey were saying. "Yeah, they do," I replied, turning to face him. "Probably not a good idea for them to get involved though," he replied, after looking at me for a moment. "Why's that?" I asked, dread swirling in my belly. He just shrugged, and we started to follow Sam out the door, and around to the front of the building to get Denise and I a room of our own. "Because he lives in LA and she lives here. There's no way around that if she doesn't plan on moving because I know he's not. He left Florida for a reason. And she doesn't need to move just because of him because she has no idea if it would even work out, or if she would like the LA lifestyle or if she would fit in...I'm sure he wouldn't want it to change her." We stopped at the desk and let Sam do the talking.

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