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I met his intense blue gaze, noticing how the hair that was peeking out from under his cap was brown and not red. The smile on his face literally stole the breath from my body. I closed my  eyes and let my head drop back. "Kill me now." I lifted my head back up, feeling my eyes prickling with the need to cry. I know that's stupid but I had really just embarrassed myself horrible in front of someone that I greatly admired and had a massive crush on. Every girl's nightmare. I was frustrated with myself and when I got frustrated or angry, it made me want to cry. "I can't believe that I had one chance to make a first impression and I've somehow fucked it up twice," I replied quietly, shaking my head as I met his gaze again. "You didn't fuck it up," he laughed out, that deep familiar rumble sending shivers through my body. "Seriously. Do you realize how many times I've embarrassed myself? Then posted it for the world to see and continue to hold it over my head for years after?" He stood up, and walked towards me. I heard the sharp inhale of my friends standing next to me. Colby stopped right in front of me. I swallowed hard with how close he was. Imagine being in the same room with your idol, someone who had legit saved your life, someone who you thought of every day, hoping that they were having a good day, even though it hurt when you realized that they didn't know who you were. That person was standing less than a foot away from me, and then he took my hand. I'm surprised that I didn't faint. Instead, I glanced down to make sure that I wasn't just imagining it, then back to his face. I honestly expected his trademark smirk to be there, but it wasn't. There was a soft smile crossing his lips, that made me want to sigh. I was a soft mess right now, but also a giant ball of nerves. He always did confuse the shit out of me. My body and brain was always fighting against each other, unsure if I wanted to lust after him, or talk about how soft he made me. It was happening again right now. "You guys helped me when I needed it. It was a great first impression. Okay?" He looked so earnest right now, all I could do was nod in agreement. He dropped my hand, then felt around in his pockets. "I gotta call the guys. I can't believe they didn't open the damn door. I know this is going to cause some shit and I don't know how to fix it right now." He pulled his phone from his worn black jeans, pressed the screen a few times, then put it to his ear. "Sam. What the fuck bro?....No, I'm stuck next door....did you NOT hear all of that screaming? They somehow figured out which room we were in because of the whole balcony thing.....they're little fucking FBI agents is how....well, what am I supposed to do now?....No, they're cool. I think a little shocked over the situation, but not screaming and trying to rip my clothes off or anything." I blushed when he said that, because I was honestly looking at the way his black button up shirt was open over his chest at that moment. His bulky silver chains with the heavy charms rested against his skin, and his Kingdom Hearts tattoo peeked out slightly when he moved his arms. I looked away and over to Denise, who was watching him as well. Kenzie and Sarah too. We were all apparently just staring at him, while he was on the phone. I elbowed Denise a little. "Stop staring at him," I whispered when she looked at me. "I can't help it! He's right there!" Us whispering had caught Kenzie and Sarah's attention, so they stepped closer. "How is Colby Brock in our room right now? Is this real? It's not real. Someone pinch me," Sarah ranted in a hushed whisper. "Tell Jake that I owe him one. And payback is a bitch. Make him go down and get the food. I don't think I can leave yet....I don't hear anything but I'm not sticking my head out that door," Colby continued talking to Sam, moving his hand up to ruffle his hair. He knocked the hat off in the process and it hit the floor. He didn't seem to notice so I stepped forwards and picked it up. "Is that Sam's hat?" Kenzie asked, her voice still low. It was like we were scared to draw attention to ourselves. I nodded. "Yeah, it's the infamous pink hat," I whispered back, giggling a little. I was relaxing a little, despite everything that had happened. Was still happening. "I'm gonna kill him Sam. That was too far. I'll figure it out. Yeah, Okay. See ya." He disconnected the call, and ran his hand through his hair again as he looked down at the screen. "Fuck," he said quietly, before looking up at us. "Do one of you mind checking outside? See if it's clear for me?" I nodded, but Sarah shot to the door as fast as she could. Suck up. She looked out the peep hole, placing both hands against the door. "I don't see anyone from here," she said, leaning back. "Actually look outside. You guys can be sneaky," he replied with a grin. "Hey! We aren't crazy fans. Don't lump us in with everyone else!" Sarah huffed, placing her hand on her hip. He just looked at her for a minute, like he wasn't sure if he believed her or not, but didn't reply. He looked back to Kenzie. "Can you please just open the door and check? I would do it myself but..." She nodded, and cracked the door, poking her head out. "What the fuck?" She yelled after a second. "Get away from our room! What is wrong with you?!" I heard a young girl's voice after that. "Is Colby Brock in your room? We saw him come in here. Can you just tell him that we wanna see him?" 

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