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I chewed my bottom lip nervously. "I'm just going to go to my room. I'm not really feeling the greatest right now. Okay?" I watched his face drop a little when I said that. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with him. It was just that the graveyard stuff  had really drained me. That combined with the way he got super quiet on the ride home and didn't look at me once, had me feeling overly emotional. I just couldn't deal with more right now. I needed to rest. "Yeah, okay. Call or text if you need me?" he said, nodding. I nodded back, and gave him a small smile. "Of course." I raised up and kissed him, pressing my lips against his soft, full ones for a couple of seconds, and almost forgetting again that we were surrounded by people as his fingers dug into my hips. I pulled back, but felt his grip tighten on me for a second before he let me go. "I'll see you in the morning, but facetime me before you guys get started okay? And be careful," I replied sternly. He nodded. Corey, Denise, I started walking out of the room. "See you guys! Let me know how it goes. Girls night?" He asked, walking out following up behind up. I laughed a little as the door closed. "You okay Terra?" Neece asked, watching me. "Yeah. I'm okay. Dreading the end of this trip, but I'm okay." "Yeah, it's going to suck going back to real life again. This has been surreal so far." She glanced back at Corey as she said it, her face creasing in thought. "Going through with what?" he  asked, walking up to get in between us. He looked at my face, then creased his brow. "Wait, are you dumping Colby?" I shook my head and scowled at him. "No! We aren't even dating Corey, how could I dump him? It isn't like that, it's just..." I didn't have words to explain it. I dragged my hand through my hair, then proceeded to twist my earring. "I feel like he's going to end things with me. I know he is. I can feel him pulling away from me already, but he wont talk to me about it. It's too hard to be just friends. There's no way that I would be able to deal with watching him be with other girls.  Our lives are too different and we live too far apart. I would love to move to LA, but I can't just pick up my life and leave, just because of a guy. I've always wanted to move there, but for my own reasons, and when I'm ready. When I have a job lined up, or at least enough money saved up to survive until I can find one. I want to work on my photography, and make a name for myself. Besides, if I were to move there for him, for Colby, and something happened between us..." I sighed, dragging my feet as I walked with them to our room. "It doesn't matter, because it's not going to happen. We aren't that serious and we barely know each other." I was lying and I knew it. I knew him just as well as he knew me. Maybe not how we lived in our day to day lives, but he knew my hopes and my dreams, just like I knew that his face would light up when he talked about his career and what he hoped to accomplish with it in the future. Denise was and always would be my best friend, but the feeling that Colby was my soulmate just got stronger every day. It was going to be hell to go back to being just a fan. I didn't know if it was possible. I opened the door to our room and walked straight to my bag. I grabbed my might clothes and went to the bathroom to change. After I did so, I stared at myself in the mirror for a few minutes. The dread was there, resting in my eyes, waiting for what I knew was going to happen. I didn't know why he was doing it, besides the fact that he didn't see a future for us, but I knew it was coming. I wasn't sure that I wanted to stop it. If I were being honest with myself, I didn't see any way that we could have a future. Not any time soon. Maybe it just wasn't time for us yet. Maybe we would come together in the future...no. I wasn't even going to think about that either. Right now was all that mattered. I would wake up tomorrow, and just enjoy the rest of this trip. Laugh and joke with my idols, my friends, and be crazy. Times like these didn't come around often. Most people didn't even get the chance to experience this. I thought about all of the fans, my friends even, that would kill to be in my shoes. But was the heartbreak that was coming worth it? I watched my eyes fill up with unfallen tears, then swiped my fingers underneath my eyes to catch them. Yes. It was worth it. I would go through the pain, the heartache, the unfathomable distress that was coming my way, one hundred times or more, just to be able to keep the memories that I would always hold close to my heart. "T, will you hurry up?! I have to pee and I need to change," Denise bellowed through the door, after I jumped when she banged on it. I blew out a breath, made sure that my eyes didn't look red or puffy, and opened the door, just as she went to bang on it again. "It's all yours," I replied, slipping past her, and walking to the bed. "You hanging out for a little while Corey?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as I looked at him laid back on Denise's side. He sat up and grinned. "Yeah, if you ladies don't mind. I don't really want to be alone in my room right now. Not after everything that happened at the graveyard." He shrugged sheepishly, and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. "Yea, of course it's fine. We love having you around. It's good to finally get a chance to get to know you. I'm sorry that you couldn't make it to playlist."

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