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gesturing a little with his hands, then covering his mouth. "Oh my God, I Just got chills. Look," he said, pulling up his jacket sleeve. Colby zoomed in with the camera to see the goosebumps that had definitely popped up on Corey's arm. Sam told the viewers what had happened last night, and promised to put the small clip in of the chair moving IF he could get his camera to work again. Then he continued the story, but read off of his phone. "A word of caution for the ladies who come to visit. Anna does not like female competition and has been known to harass female guests." His blue eyes shot to mine, then Denise. He didn't say a word, but he definitely looked nervous. I didn't like that. Sam was hardly ever nervous in these videos. It usually came off as excitement, or eagerness to find something paranormal. This was different and I felt the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he looked at me. Colby put the camera down and glanced over to me then back to Sam. "Sam, I don't like this. I don't want to put them in harms way. That's not okay with me. Maybe we should find them a different hotel to stay at," Colby replied. I shook my head sternly. "NO," I exclaimed. "I want to be here." I was freaked out for sure, but I didn't want to leave. This was literally a dream come true to be able to do the ghost hunting and exploring with them. To watch one of the videos that I had been watching for forever unfold before my very eyes.  There was no way that I was missing this. "I'm not scared. I'm sure we'll be fine." Denise swallowed nervously and glanced between me and Corey, then Sam to me. "Are you sure T? I mean, you know that I love this stuff as much as the next one but if this Anna chick is actually out for female guests specifically.." She dragged her fingers through her thick hair and licked her lips. "I don't know, it just seems like we might be playing with fire." I rolled my eyes at her. I was nervous too, obviously, but it couldn't be that bad. Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey had been through these situations plenty of times and nothing had happened to them. "I'm sure that I'm staying, but you can leave if you want too. I bet one of the guys would stay with you or get a room next to you at a different hotel. Right guys?" I asked, looking towards Jake and Corey. They both nodded. "Yeah, one of us could do that, if you really don't want to stay...But I mean, we'll be close by right here too. You know...to help protect you or whatever," Corey replied in a shy manner. Strangely enough, it wasn't him acting silly either. I genuinely saw the shyness coming from him. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. To me, he was still with Devyn even though I knew that they were technically broken up. I guess I just always saw them as being meant for each other. I've always known that Corey was Denise's "dream guy" but seeing that this might be a possibility had me feeling weird. Necee sighed, and shrugged her shoulders. "I'll stay I guess...but if you guys hear me scream, you better run to our room so damn fast, I swear to God," She threatened, pointing her finger at the guys letting it roam from one to the next until it reached them all. Colby grinned, making my heart tremble again, and put his hand to his forehead, saluting her. "Yes ma'am," he replied, bringing his hand down. "Shut up Brock, I mean it," she huffed out. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how stressed she was. It was a nervous laughter though. The only other time that I had seen her act this way was when we had explored an abandoned house that was falling apart on Halloween night. The lady that had lived there had died a few years back, laying in her bed all alone. Story was that her family never came to visit her and her spirit was so unsettled that she never left the home. There was an old rocking chair still in the home when we visited it, just sitting in the what was once the living room, amid the broken floor and dust. She automatically didn't want to be in the house, saying that she was getting bad vibes. I brushed it off, thinking that she was just being overly dramatic because this was the first time we had explored at night. My mind was changed really quick when the rocking chair decided that it wanted to start rocking all on it's own. We darted from the house and haven't been back since. Personally, I wanted to go back, but I couldn't get anyone to go with me and there was no way in hell that I was going to go alone. "Okay, so it's settled that we're staying. Can we get a move on?" I asked impatiently, motioning my hands towards Sam. He grinned, his dimples popping out next to the corners of his mouth. "A girl after my own heart," he replied, nodding towards the guys. "Go get the rest of the gear from the rooms and let's get started." Colby kissed me on the cheek, leaving a burning impression of where his lips had been, before turning with Jake and Corey to head back to the rooms. "You guys can wait here if you want. I'm going to film a little of the outside area for a panned out view," Sam said, fidgeting with the camera. I nodded and smiled. "Go ahead. We'll wait on the others," I replied. He nodded, and turned to go, speaking loudly over his shoulder. "Don't let Anna get you while I'm gone!" "Shut the fuck up SAM!" Denise exclaimed, drawing some attention to us with her yelling. I started laughing again, and then it dawned on me for real. We were here with them. With the guys, about to explore and use ghost hunting devices with them, for them to make a video. What the hell was happening in my life and how was this real? 

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