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Colby let out an exasperated groan and let his head drop down onto my shoulder. Neither of us moved from our positions though, so I was still sitting on top of him, and honestly wasn't in any hurry to move. "Did you guys have to come back, like right now? You couldn't have waited? Or went to another room?" I asked, a little annoyed...okay a lot annoyed that we had been interrupted. Brennen was the one who decided to shout to let everyone in the fucking hotel know that he knew what we were doing...or what we probably would be doing. Him, Denise, Sarah, and Kenzie, walked into the room laughing. "Well damn T, I didn't actually think you were gonna be doing...well, allll," she made a circle motion towards us with her hand. "THAT, or I wouldn't have let everyone in. I'm just glad you still had your clothes on." I blew a lock of hair out of my face, and met Colby's gaze. He didn't look too please to see everyone either. I crawled off of his lap, and sat down next to him. "Where's Sam and the rest?" he asked, eyeing Brennen, who had sat next to Sarah on Denise's bed. Brennen nodded his head towards the wall. "In their room. Said they were going get ready to go to the beach. Jake and Tara are leaving though. I'm supposed to go with them." He bit his lip and looked longingly at Sarah. "I have a meeting that I'm supposed to be at. I should've left yesterday..." Sarah pouted at him, and grabbed his hand. "Do you have too? You can't just stay the last day?" He shook his head. "I really can't. I'm sorry. I can get your number though, if that's okay." It was strange to him look like he wasn't sure that she would give it to him. Usually, Brennen portrayed the most confidence of anyone that I had ever seen, through his videos. Right now, it looked like he was actually scared that Sarah would tell him no. "Of course you can, but only if you promise me one thing," Sarah replied, looking at him sternly. "What?" "That you'll actually use it, dumb ass," she chirped, then leaned forwards and kissed his nose. He gave a half smile and grabbed her around the waist, making her squeal. "Of course I will. Okay, enough with this mushy shit. I have to go pack and you guys have to get ready for the beach. Colby, brother, I'll see you back in LA. Girls, it was nice to meet all of you. Especially you." He pulled Sarah to him and kissed her, very passionately, then stood up, leaving her looking stunned. "I'll text you." He winked at her, gave us hugs, then walked out the door. Sarah reached her hand up to her mouth, pressing her fingers against her lips softly. "Don't worry. We'll see them all before they actually leave.. He just wanted to be dramatic," Colby said, noticing how upset she looked. He stood up, then leaned back down and kissed my cheek gently. "I'm going to go change clothes and get ready for the beach trip. Maybe we can finish our conversation there." Then he too, walked out the door, leaving me and my girls in the room. We were all silent for the first few moments, before they all started pretty much yelling at me. "What the fuck did we walk in on?" "Oh my GOD Terra!" "I knew you had it in you! But how was it?" The last one being Sarah. "We didn't do anything," I replied, rolling my eyes. "Didn't look like you weren't doing anything, from what I saw," Denise said wryly. "Oh shut up. Maybe we would've if you guys hadn't busted in the damn door," I said, kind of annoyed. Necee just shrugged. "It's my room too. How was I supposed to know?" "Whatever," I said, standing up. "Can we just get ready to go?" I was angry, but not really at them. I was annoyed with myself for getting caught up in this whole Colby situation, when I knew how it was going to end. We ended up making out instead of talking, which just made me even more confused. How the hell was I supposed to go back to a normal life? I stalked to the bathroom and snatched my bathing suit from the towel rack where I had let it air dry. "Are you okay T?" Denise asked, looking at me with a worried expression when I walked back into the room. It literally only took one stupid question, and one look, and I felt the tears spring to my eyes. I was too damn emotional. My heart felt like it was wrapped in a barbed wire cord and the other end was hooked to Colby. The closer it got to him leaving, the more it tightened, choking my heart, leaving it a shredded, damaged mess. I shook my head, unable to answer, and was grateful when she came forwards and wrapped her arms around me. "It'll be okay. Shhh," she whispered, rubbing my back, as I let out the sob that I had been holding into the crook of her neck. "Necce, I was already in love with him. Now, he's made me fall even harder, and I have to leave him tomorrow. I know that's stupid, because I've only actually known him for a few days...but it still feels real. Too real" I sobbed, closing my eyes against the tears that were steadily falling. "I know honey, I know. It's okay. You guys can keep in touch, just like Sarah and Brennen." "What if he doesn't? What if I'm just another fan?" I asked, voicing my internal fears. "You're not just another fan T. Can't you see that? The way he looks at you?" I leaned back and met her gaze. "Really?" I whimpered, needing reassurance. She smiled at me gently, and hooked my hair behind my ear, while she nodded. "Yes baby, anyone can see it. He's got it bad. Who knows, maybe he'll even fly us out to LA one day!" I gave a watery laugh, and wiped my eyes with my fingers. "You're right. I'm being stupid. Even if he doesn't, it shouldn't matter."

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