153 Colby's POV

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I had already like the most recent which was from two weeks ago. I wondered if she were going to let her account die. That made me sad to think about. Her recent kept me slightly updated with her stories and a few posts, but she wasn't as active on that now either. Actually it had been a good two weeks since I had seen anything from her. I was tempted to text her and ask how she was, but I couldn't. No, it had to be a clean break. I needed to stop trying to bring her back into my world. As much as I wanted her to be the center of my world, it just wasn't fair to her. She was moving on and I had to accept that. That's what I had wanted, what I had asked for. Now I had to deal with it. I sighed and went downstairs to face the other guys. Sam started whispering to them when he saw me coming down the stairs. "Hey Colby," Corey said, throwing up one hand in a slight wave. "What's up man?" Jake replied. I nodded at them both. "Who's filming today?" I asked, not really meeting any of their eyes. I knew that would see pity in them, and I couldn't handle that right now. "Um, I need to film today and so do you. We can do Jake and Corey's tomorrow," Sam answered. I nodded again. "Let's do it then." For the next couple of hours, we made a plan for my video and Sam's. Once we got those filmed, we started working on Tik Toks for the group account and everyone else's. It didn't look like I had lost many followers but I was sure that I would if I didn't hurry and start posting again. Twitter and Instagram were full of people asking where I was, if I was okay. Sam and the guys kept avoiding the questions, but I knew that I would have to explain soon. I planned on putting a small clip in of me promising to explain at a later date, and that I was just going through a hard time right now. "Colby?" Corey got my attention. "Yeah brother," I sighed. "Yo, Brennen and some other...friends have been wondering where you are. You won't answer anyone's calls or texts so they've started hitting us up. I don't really know what to tell them," he replied. I hadn't answered anyone in a very long time. I knew that he meant girls by the way he said "other friends." I definitely didn't want to talk to them right now...but maybe I should. It might help me to get over...her. I couldn't think her name right now. Not if I planned on staying out of the bed. It seemed like she had the same idea anyways by her last stories. I had to stop acting like we were a couple and get on with my life. "I'll get in touch with Brennen and a couple of the others today. Might go out tonight. You down?" I asked. He grinned at me, then did a little spin. "Hell yea I'm down!" He ran back towards Sam and Jake who were going over some of the footage. "Hey guys! Colby said he's going out tonight. You in?" Sam looked over to me, and I gave him a tiny wave and winked. He grinned but it didn't really reach his eyes. He knew that I was still hurting and only trying to cover. "Yea, I'm in," he said, still watching me. He also knew that I needed this. "Is it guys only or can I invite Tara?" Jake asked, his eyes going from me to Sam. I didn't answer right away because honestly, I wanted it to be just guys...but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by saying. "Let it just be us tonight," Sam replied, still fucking watching me. Jake nodded. "Okay, I'll call her and let her know. Maybe they can meet us later or something." Sam gave him a look, and he shrugged. "Just saying." He started towards the stairs and pulled out his phone. Kat and Tara wouldn't mind, I didn't think. They had girls night all the time and we had even had guys night a few times. I knew that if I hooked up with someone though, they were going to want their girlfriends. I guess we would just have to wait and see. "Let's get these Tik Toks finished so that we can start getting ready and call the rest of the crew," Corey said. So we did. You wouldn't' think that Tik Tok's, short little clips that could be just about anything, would take that long. You'd be wrong. The angle had to be right, we had to make sure the lip synching was perfect, our dance moves, everything. The dance moves were a lot better than they used to be. Corey was actually a good teacher. So we worked on those for the next hour and a half, then posted them. I posted on my social media platforms, grabbing a couple of old pics that I had in my phone for Instagram. Just as I had thought, the comments flooded in on each platforms, asking how I was, if I was okay. I ignored them, and back out of the apps. Now wasn't the time. The guys and I got ready, making sure our hair was styled perfectly, our clothes on point. I had already called Brennen and he had assured me that he and Jake, his brother Jake, would meet us at the club. We called an Uber to take us, it wasn't long before we were in front of the building. I spotted Brennen and called out to him. We clasped hands and hugged for a minute before letting go. "I wasn't sure when I was going to see you again. I was worried," he replied. I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. "I know. It's over though. Let's go in," I answered. The beating music, the flashing lights, the sweaty, half dressed girls grinding on their partners. Tonight would be the beginning of the rest of my life. My life without Terra. It was what I needed. Something, anything to get her off of my brain. 

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