164 Colby's POV

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I saw her shiver a little, reminding me of when she would randomly do that when I would just speak all those years ago. She shrugged, looking away from me. I wished that she wouldn't look away from me when she was answering me but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I wanted to be able to see the truth in her eyes. I felt like she might not be telling me the truth since she looked away. "I don't know. I think it was just a shock. Then when barbie girl..." She looked back at me, pursing her lips. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." I just chuckled and shook my head. "It's okay. I have quite a few different names in my head for your pal Justin, so I'll look over it." She chewed the inside of her cheek for a second before she continued. "When Kira said that you had never mentioned me, I guess it hurt and I didn't expect it. So I got overwhelmed and I had to go." She looked up and met my gaze again. "It's really nice seeing you Terra," I replied, taking her hand in mine. I couldn't believe that she had just popped up again after all these years. I wasn't sure how I felt. My heart was trying to beat out of it's chest. I really just wanted to take her in my arms and feel her lips against mine...but I couldn't do that. I thought of that old One Direction song. Specifically the lyric, 'Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you.' I felt like we hadn't even been apart, aside from the slight bubble that we seemed to be inside of. Only it had changed and no matter how much I wanted to just pick her up and take her home with me, I couldn't. "Terra, baby, I called an Uber. It should be here in a few minutes," Justin called out. I glared at him, hoping he could feel the daggers that I imagined were coming from my eyes.  Why couldn't he just let me have a few minutes with her? I mean, damn, he got to go home with her! Did he? I didn't know if they lived together, or if she lived with her friends. I hoped with my entire existence that she lived with her friends. She smiled at him, a softness going over her face that didn't happen when she looked at me. Instead, I saw pain, and hurt when she looked at me. A longing that I was feeling too. "I'll be over in just a second," she replied, then looked back at me biting her lip. "I've missed you too, but I guess I better go. It was nice seeing you. I'm sure Kira is wondering where you went off to," she said, a shadow crossing her face when she mentioned Kira's name. Kira. I had just told her to wait there and ran off after Terra. Fuck. This wasn't going to end well. "I'll see you around Colby," she said, starting to walk away from me. "Terra," I called out, not wanting her to go just yet. She turned back, a questioning look on her face. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug, and buried my face in her neck. She tightened her grip around my neck for just a moment. I inhaled as deeply as I could, wanting to remember her scent, everything about her. She used a different body spray now. Still fruity but different. Her hair was so soft against my cheek, and the memories flooded back to me. Her and I in the hotel room in Florida, talking all night without any barriers, just being ourselves. The way she kept embarrassing herself in front of me and how her cheeks would flush every time. The hot tub, the pool, our first night together. I would never forget that night. The way she moved when she danced and just let everything go, letting the music invade her soul. When she tried to teach me to dance and then just assumed it was a lost cause. The Savannah trip, the fun we had even though it was marred with the coming of the end. Our final night together. The way her face looked when we finally said goodbye. I felt her push against me, wanting to end the hug, so I let her go. "Can I call you?" I asked quietly, knowing it wasn't a good idea, and not giving two shits. She bit her lip again, her eyes flitting back to Justin, then back to me. "No, I don't think that's a good idea Colby. But it was really good to see you. I've missed you. See you around," she replied again. I watched as she turned on her hell and headed back to him, to Justin and felt part of my heart go with her. Physically felt it splinter away and follow after her. I wanted to run after her too. I wanted to get on my knees and beg her to take me back...but I couldn't. She was happy. I couldn't mess that up for her. "Colby," I heard my name, breaking my focus on Terra as she climbed into a car, followed by some of her friends. Brennen waved at me, as he and Sarah walked towards his car. I turned to face Kira, who had called my name. "Yea," I replied morosely, looking into her aqua eyes that only brought another girl to mind. "What  happened? Who was that girl? Why did you just run off like that?" She was angry. I could hear it in her voice. I guess now wasn't the best time to take her to the beach, and I wasn't so sure that I was ready to say I love you to her anyway. "Come on. I'll take you home and explain on the way," I replied. She looked confused, but took my hand in hers. I wanted to take my hand away, but I didn't. She didn't do anything wrong. She just wasn't Terra. My heart belonged to Terra and I was beginning to believe that it always would. We didn't talk on the ride to her place, instead I stayed quiet, lost in my thoughts. When we finally arrived at her place, I got out with her and walked her to her door. "Do you want to come in?" she asked hesitantly. I nodded, looking at her with regret. She knew. 

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