6 (Colby's POV)

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I closed the door, holding the gaze of the girl with blue streaks in her hair, until the door blocked my view. I stood there for a moment, smiling to myself at her reaction when she turned to look at me. Her eyes were really pretty. Kind of an aqua color. "Colby always having girls trying to take their clothes off for him. Everywhere we go. Can't escape it," Jake sighed loudly. I turned around to face them. Jake and Tara were already lying back on one of the beds, while Sam was unpacking his suitcase. He had his head turned away from me, but I could feel the actual grin that was on his face. I knew it was there, even if I couldn't see it. Brennen was standing by the balcony door, grinning back at me. "You should be used to it by now. All the laydays want za Colbay," he replied, thrusting his hips towards me. I shook my head and rubbed my chin, trying not to grin. "Shut the fuck up. She's a fan. Anyways," I said, falling onto the bed that Sam had his suitcase on. It bounced sideways and fell off the bed. "Brooo, really?" He exclaimed holding both hands towards the jumble of clothes and things that were now on the floor. I shrugged, and smiled. "You were hanging them up anyways. Who cares?" The scowl on his face deepened so I rolled my eyes, and leaned over to help pick it all up, then stood to even help hang it up. "Aw, Solby for life. They even do each other's clothes! It's just so cute!" I heard Brennen reply behind me. I looked over my shoulder at him. "Jealous?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. He shrugged. "Nah, I'll be your side chick. It is what it is." I chuckled, and hung up the last shirt, while Sam threw his shoes inside the closet. I glanced at my own suitcase, contemplating putting my things away...I'll do it later. I fell back down on the bed, tired from the trip from LA, but also hungry. "You guys wanna get something to eat?" I asked, picking up the laminated menu from the bedside table. "We can get room service, or we can go out and wander around Orlando for a while. Maybe explore..." I caught Sam's eyes and he shook his head, grimacing. I folded my lips inside my mouth for a second. "Maybe not. Don't wanna get arrested again. Okay, so stay in or go out, to eat? What are we doing?" I looked around the room, waiting for everyone to vote. "Room service," Brennen replied, holding up his hand. "Don't really wanna do anything right now. Maybe later." I nodded, and moved my gaze to Jake. He shrugged. "I don't really care. Whatever you guys wanna do is fine with me. Taco Bell sounds good though." I let out a small laugh, and looked to Tara. "Taco Bell sounds amazing actually." "Heeeeyyyyy! What's up guys!!" I jerked my head to see Brennen out on the balcony, yelling to what I assumed were fans down on the street. We were pretty high up though so there's no way that they could actually see who he was. "Oh fuck," he replied, ducking back inside. "What?" Sam asked, walking around me to get to the balcony. He walked out and looked down, then waved and came back inside. "There are actually fans out on their balcony's right now, staring at ours. Good job Brennen." Brennen shrugged, and widened his eyes. "I was trying to be nice. I forgot they can be crazy sometimes. Sue me." I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Hopefully, they'll just watch for a little while to see if we come back out. When we don't, they'll do their own thing. Anyways, Sam, what do you wanna do?" He glanced back outside then to me. "I don't think I wanna face that. There were a LOT of fans out there on different balconies. I wanna stay safe in my room. As bad as this sounds, we didn't bring security this time, and things are different now. More people know us." "Yeeaahhh, Sam and Colby are just so famous now! We should feel honored to be in their presence," Tara quipped, as she lay her head over in Jake's lap, smiling over at Sam and I. "Shut it shorty," I replied, flicking the menu towards her. She screeched and threw her hands up over her face to block it, but Jake knocked it out of the way before it hit her. "Bro, not cool man. The corner could have hit her in the eye," he said looking affronted. I rolled my eyes, but I honestly couldn't help being a little jealous of just how much he loved her. Must be nice to feel that way about someone. "Okay, so Taco Bell. We can get it Post Mated, then I'll go down to get it from the service desk. If you want room service instead, then go ahead and order it." I took out my phone to call Post Mates. "Oh wait, there isn't a Post Mates here...seriously? Okay, there's UberEats though. We can do that." I called and took care of everyone's order. Brennen and Sam ordered room service instead. We sat around listening to music, talking shit, and going over our schedules for tomorrow, when the call came from downstairs that our food was there. I stood up, and grabbed a pair of Brennen's sunglasses from his head, and Sam's pink hat from the bed, where he had placed it. "Are you actually going out in disguise? That's hilarious," Sam laughed, covering his mouth as I placed his hat on my head, pulling it down over my eyes, and fixing my hair. "Brother, I'm tired, and I just wanna eat. You know I love all of our supporters, but I just don't feel like talking to anyone right now." I placed the glasses on my face, and nodded my head at them as they laughed. "I'll be back in a few." I opened our door and stepped out, glancing down the hallway.

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