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Tara's voice sounded from Jake's phone. "Tara!" I exclaimed in excitement. "Hey Terra! I would ask how you are but I just saw that you are doing very well," she quipped, giving me a half smile from the phone screen. I blushed again, remembering how very intense that little session had gotten. I changed the subject. "It's so good to see you! I wish you were here with us," I poked out my bottom lip. She laughed a little. "I miss you guys too," she replied, as Denise sat up some to see the screen. "I don't do the haunted videos though. These guys are nuts so be careful." "Nothing is going to happen to her," Colby replied, his voice raspy. Tara raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips to the side. "Well, the offer from Katrina still stands. If you guys ever make it to LA, we're here and I, for one, would LOVE to have you around!" The pure sincerity in her voice was almost overwhelming. "Hey, what about me?" Denise cried. "I wanna be in LA too. T is not leaving me behind," she huffed. Tara laughed. "Of course you too Neece. All of you. Sarah and Kenzie too. I miss you guys." Denise looked appeased and gave a little smile. "I can't wait for that to be possible," she gushed, looking at me with a big smile. I gave her a small one back and nodded. "Yeah," I said, softly, willing myself not to think about the fact that I wouldn't be going to LA for a very long time, if at all. That was more of a dream than anything, that I didn't see coming true. "Okay, well I gotta go. Meeting the girls for dinner, then we're going out. I'll text you!" Tara said, then Jake told her goodbye and he loved her, before disconnecting the call. I watched him keep that dopey grin on his face as he put his phone back in his pocket. The man was truly in love and I couldn't blame him. Tara was great and I really did miss her. She was just pure joy and fun rolled into a four foot eleven girl, who's personality was so much bigger than she was. I found myself dreading the end of this trip. Just four more days and it was over. Colby and the guys would be heading back to LA, while I was stuck going back to my dead end town. I looked out the window, watching the trees flit by in the darkness. They were almost impossible to see. There were no street lights, the only thing illuminating the road was the headlights coming from the rental car. Soon the GPS told us that we were nearing our destination and to turn right up ahead. I saw the gate come into view, looming ahead of us like a wrought iron gargoyle waiting to devour us. Why the fuck did I just think that? I shook my head, trying to get the morbid thought to go away, and leaned back into Colby for comfort. He tightened his arms around me but we didn't speak. "Holy shit, that looks so creepy," Jake whispered, leaning forwards in his seat, as Sam pulled to a stop in front of the gate. "Anybody want to volunteer to get out and open the gate?" Sam asked, laughing nervously as he unclipped his seat belt. "Nuh uh, not me," Corey replied, shaking his head back and forth swiftly. "This is how scary movies start. I'm not doing it Sam." Colby sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I got you brother, but I'm not going alone," he replied, his voice heavy with nerves. "Oh for God's sake, I'll go too," I said exasperatedly, opening the car door to the humid night. It was going to rain soon. I could feel it in the air. I crawled off of Colby's lap and stood next to the car, while he climbed out, leaving the door open behind him. I shivered a little as the wind blew, and I looked up at the ominous gate. Colby took my hand and we walked towards it slowly. Not sure why, but this actually did feel like a scary movie. Usually, I was all about things like this, as long as I was with a group of friends. I wasn't stupid enough to go alone, but I had been tempted too. Colby dropped my hand to reach through the bars and grab the long metal pole that was sticking through the iron circles connected to the gate,holding the sides together.He pulled it up and out, allowing the gate to swing open. We watched it the two sides swing inward, only to stop about half way. "Fuck," Colby groaned. He looked over to me. "You grab that side, I'll get this one?" I nodded, and took the few steps to my side. We both pushed against the sides, opening the gate wider, so that Sam could drive through. Colby kicked the car door closed as it went through so that it didn't hit the side of the gate. Once the car was inside, we pushed the gate closed again. I looked around while Colby placed the iron bar back where it belonged, to lock it. There were trees surrounding the area, enveloping the entire area in darkness, minus the occasional sidewalk lights that were spaced throughout the massive graveyard. I could see the pin pricks of light from where I was standing, the first one not that far up the dirt road that we were about to go down. On both sides of us were a few graves, sparkling granite slabs with huge headstones, letting us know that they were newer than some of the graves that we would be coming upon tonight. The wind blew again, moving my hair over my shoulders, and howling as it went through the trees. Chills ran up my spine, and I took a step closer to Colby, as he stood up, finished with the task of locking the gate. He put his arm around me and drew me into him, as we walked back up to the car. We climbed back inside, me on his lap again. No one spoke as Sam slowly drove down the dirt path. 

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