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I felt his fingers tighten on my hips, pulling me against him. His eyes darkened, the light blue turning into a stormy ocean. He leaned downed towards me, and I automatically closed my eyes. His soft lips barely brushed mine, sending chills throughout my body when- "What's up Instagram??!" Brennen's voice broke through, and Colby jerked away from me quickly, looking towards his friend. Brennen had his phone out, panning it around the room, taking us all in. "We're having an after party in our room, wooo!" He laughed, then cut the story, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Bren!" Colby exclaimed harshly. "What?" "Can you warn me before you do stuff like that? You're gonna get me and the girls attacked. Plus, the fans know which room we're in. Be smart man, come on. Fuck!" Brennen looked surprised at Colby's outburst, and cocked his eyebrow. "Okay bro, my bad. Sorry. You should stop caring so fucking much though. Live for yourself. Just saying." Colby rolled his eyes and rubbed his hand through his hair aggressively, mussing the curls. "Easy for you to say. I say or do one thing that they fans don't agree with and mine and Sam's career goes down. Did you post that?" Brennen looked confused for a second, but nodded. "Well yeah. It was a story." Colby sighed heavily. "What did you see?" "I saw everyone dancing and having a good time. Chill bro. It's not that heavy." He dragged his hand through his hair again, and caught my eye. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" I swallowed hard and nodded. "Jake, let me get the key to your room," he said, holding out his hand. "I have it," Tara said, walking to the bed, an picking up her purse. "You think I'm letting Jake hold this? Nope," she replied, shaking her head. She pulled the card out of her purse and put it in Colby's hand. "DON'T lose it," she said sternly. It was so funny to me seeing her tiny self being so dominant to someone twice her size. Apparently she didn't find Colby as intimidating as I did. I couldn't help it though. It was the damn stare. It was like he could see inside my soul or something. I shivered, thinking about it, and put my hand into his offered one. Wait...was I going to a hotel room alone with Colby Brock? What was going on? He said he wanted to talk. Was that really all he wanted, or did he think that something else was going to happen just because he knew I was obsessed with him? Did he know that? Did I ever say anything besides the fact that I had a fan page? I don't think I did... While I was overthinking things, he had already guided me out of the room, into the empty hallway to the door next door. Jake, Tara, and Brennen's room. He slid the card into the slot, and pulled the handle down, opening the door and stepping back for me to go inside first. My face must've showed that I was nothing but a big ball of nerves by this point. My feet wouldn't move, and my body felt like a rubber band pulled until it was about to snap. "Hey," he said softly, catching my chin with his fingers, to meet my gaze. His soulful blue eyes stared intently into my own, with a softness that almost had me melting underneath his gaze. "I honestly just wanna talk." I squeaked out the breath that I had been holding and nodded a little, jerking my head forwards in an uncoordinated manner. Way to play it cool Terra. He smiled a little, and motioned his hand forward for me to enter the empty room. I forced my feet to move into the room, noticing that it was exactly the same as ours, just no balcony. There were dirty clothes littered on the floor, and makeup and hair products on the dresser underneath the mirror. Colby kicked the dirty clothes into a corner and shook his head. "Fucking Jake, I swear," he muttered, picking more up off the bed and tossing them into the corner with the others. "What if those were Brennen's?" I asked. He grinned and shook his head. "Nope, look at the other bed." I looked, noticing that even though the bed was unmade, the closet next to it had the door open with the expensive clothes hung neatly, and a row of shoes lined against the wall. I furrowed my brow in confusion. "I thought he only planned on staying for three days. Why does he need so many pairs of shoes?" He laughed, and plopped down onto Brennen's bed. "Just in case. It's Brennen," he replied, like that explained everything. I stood there awkwardly for a moment, just watching him lean back on the bed, before he looked up and met my gaze. "You gonna sit down? You're making me more nervous than I already am," he said, giving me a shaky laugh. Wait...he was nervous? For what? I was just a normal girl, a fan girl that he probably thought was an idiot in the first place. Why would he be nervous? While I stood there chewing my bottom lip, looking at him in confusion while I thought about it, he ran his hand through his hair again, letting out a breath. "Please sit down Terra. If you don't wanna sit next to me, then that's fine, but you're freaking me out staring at me like that." I let out a short laugh, unable to stop myself, amazed at the idea that I was making him nervous, but walked towards him and sat down about a foot away from him on the bed. "Okay, thank you," he sighed. "Guess I'll just start then." He looked down at his hands and started twisting his rings around his fingers. "I want to get to know you but you know that we're leaving in a couple of days."

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