188 Colby's POV

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Hell, I didn't even know she and Justin were together, until I saw her kiss him when we all left the club. "I should go. I don't want to be late coming back on my first day," she said, grinning at the girls. "Yeah, of course. We'll see you again Friday night," Kat said, hugging her one last time. Terra turned to me, a look of uncertainty on her beautiful face. "Um, it was nice seeing you Colby. Thank you for the cheesecake." I smiled at her, noticing that she was shifting her weight nervously from one foot to the other. "Anytime T," I replied, holding my arms out for my own hug. She smiled, and stepped into them, wrapping her arms around my waist. I rested my chin on her head, and  closed my eyes. She smelled so good and having her in my arms just felt right. Like she was supposed to be here. I heard her sigh quietly, before she let me go and backed up. "I guess I'll see you guys later," she said, smiling at me, just a little. If I wasn't mistaken, that smile looked a little sad. We all waved and said goodbye one more time as she walked into her office building. Kat, Tara, and I started walking towards my car which was about a block away. I was in my own little world, thinking about the past, and about Terra's sad little smile, so when Katrina elbowed me in the ribs, I almost fell over. "What the fuck Kat?" I exclaimed, rubbing my side. She laughed a little and hooked her arm through mine. "Good move with the cheesecake. I can't believe you remembered that little detail," she said, shaking her head. "Yeah Colby, you earned serious points with that move," Tara added, hooking her arm through Kat's. I shrugged and lead them to my car. "I could never forget that. The way she acted when I tried to sneak a bite of it. It was one of the first times that she didn't act nervous around me, and treated me like everyone else. I think she actually thought about stabbing me with her fork." The girls laughed and nodded. "Oh, she definitely did! I know I would have if you tried to steal my cheesecake," Kat exclaimed. They chatted a little more, discussing what they might wear and where they should go on Friday for Girl's night, until we finally made it to my car. I opened the passenger door, and the back door for them both, before I walked around to my side of the car. I kept quiet most of the ride back, just thinking about Terra and how much I had missed her. I hadn't realized it at the time, but there had always been a large hole in my heart, a missing piece that had stayed with her when we split ways. The girls kept talking about the upcoming night and I could tell how excited they were. I guess Terra had stolen their hearts too. I loved how easily she and her friends fit in with my friends. In another life, this would be simple. In another life, this would be the part where we both would realize how deeply in love we were and would stop at nothing to be together. I dropped Tara off at her place, and looked at Katrina. "Home or back to the TrapHouse?" I asked her. The TrapHouse is what the fans called our home and it just kind of stuck, after Brennen had said it in a video once. It stood for 'That Really Awesome Place' but I had to explain that a lot, considering that a trap house was usually what a person called a drug den. "I'll go back with you. Sam can take me home later," she replied. I nodded and pulled back out onto the road. "So Colby...what are you going to do about T?" I glanced at her, then back to the busy road. "What do you mean?" I asked. She sighed like I was an idiot that was just missing the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, what are you going to do? You're obviously in love with her and" "No," I interrupted her. "I never said that I was in love with her." She rolled her eyes then glared at me. "Keep telling yourself that Colby, but we both know that you are. It's so obvious. Now shut up and let me finish." I raised my eyebrows at her, but closed my mouth and looked back at the road. "She's in love with you too, ya know. I could see it in her eyes when she looked at you. Then she almost started crying over a slice of cheesecake. That's not normal." I shook my head. "She was just being sentimental. She's with Justin and she loves him. I'm not so sure that she loves me anymore. She's attracted to me, yes, but I don't know about the love part," I answered sadly, keeping my eyes on the road. "I'm sure she does love Justin. You said that they live together, and they've been together for a couple of years. Plus, whatever it is that he helped her through. I'm sure he's a great guy and she does love him. But it's not like the love she has for you. It's going to work out Colby...and I'm going to help you make sure that it does." I swallowed hard, thinking of the what if scenarios of Katrina helping me get Terra back. Then I thought about how tortured she was last time we had met up. "Kat, please don't. If it happens, then I want it to happen naturally. I don't want to play games and trick her," I answered, pulling into my driveway. The other guys were home, because I saw their cars parked in the driveway and the garage. "I'm not going to do anything but talk about how great and amazing you are. Maybe remind her of days gone by. I'm not going to trick her. What kind of person do you think I am?" I cut my eyes to her as I killed the engine. "Mmmhmm," I murmured wryly. "I'm serious Katrina. No tricks." She held up three fingers, close together. "Scouts honor. I know how serious you take that, boy scout. I promise. No tricks." 

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