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I shivered, feeling his warm breath against my cool, damp skin, and from his words. Damn it Colby Brock, stop making me fall more in love with you. He was right about the trip. It didn't take long for them to investigate the next place, then we headed back to the motel. By then it was getting late, and the guys hadn't gotten a room yet. "The owner closes the front desk at 6 pm. We won't be changing rooms tonight," Sam said, running his hand through his hair in an agitated manner. "We'll be fine for one more night brother. Not like it's the first time we've slept in a haunted room," Colby replied. "True, but usually we leave after we piss the ghost off Colby," Sam retorted. "Okay, you have a point. Why don't we just stay with Jake and Corey then? We'll try to get another room in the morning," Colby said. "Sleepover!!" Corey said, clapping his hands with a big grin on his face. "Yaaaaayyy" Jake added in, doing some silly dance move. I shook my head and smiled at these goofballs that were actually my friends now. I loved them. Each and every one of them. Just as much as I loved Sarah and Kenzie. I was really going to miss them so much.   "Sounds like a plan," Sam replied. We followed them to their room so they could grab their things. They left the Ouija Board in the haunted room, but grabbed everything else. After a couple of trips to make sure they weren't leaving anything, we left the room, and Sam locked the door behind him. They all walked us to our room, and waited for us to walk inside, before heading towards Jake and Corey's room. "Terra," I heard Colby call my name, before I shut the door completely. I opened it back up to see him standing in the doorway. I smiled at him, before leaning up on my tip toes and pressing my lips against his. His arms came around my waist, gripping my hips tightly, pulling me against him. I wound my arms around his neck, letting my fingers tangle in the hair below his snapback. Once again, I found myself lost in him, melting against him, willing to let him do whatever he wanted with my body. His teeth caught my bottom lip and pulled gently, swiping his tongue over it before letting go. We were both breathing heavily by the time the kiss was broken. He brought his hand up to the side of my face, and cradled it gently. I pressed my cheek into his palm and stared into his eyes. For a moment, we didn't say anything, just looked into each other's eyes. I heard Denise clear her throat behind me, reminding me that she was there. "Goodnight beautiful girl," he whispered, leaning down to kiss me once more. "Goodnight Colby," I whispered back as I watched him walk away towards Jake and Corey's room to join the guys. I closed the door, then fell back against it, sinking to the floor. "Okay, enough of all of that. You're actually too sweet and it's making me gag. Come on, come watch something funny with me before we go to sleep." I laughed, and stood up, then grabbed my night clothes to change into. Afterwards, Denise and I stayed up a few more hours, just watching tv and laughing. I got a few random texts from Colby, letting me know that they were just sitting in the room, watching tv too. My breath caught when I got the next text saying that he wished he were in the bed with me, instead of with Jake. Damn it, I wished that too. So I told him so. "Soon" was all he replied back. This soon shit was getting annoying. I didn't know how much longer I could wait if he didn't stop being so damn sexy and teasing me. I sighed, and put my phone down. The next two days flew by, with us going all over Savannah with the guys, investigating multiple haunted areas. I'd have to the morgue tunnel was the scariest. The tunnel runs all the way from the hospital to Forsyth Park and when the hospital was in operation it was used to transport, store and dispose of the diseased corpses from epidemics of yellow fever and other tragic deaths. It sits on the land that contains the contains the mighty Candler Oak, which is also known as "The Hanging Tree." We heard so many different noises from the tunnels, and the EMF went crazy, but we stuck it out. When we made it around to the Hanging Tree, I couldn't believe what I saw. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, but there was a body swinging from the tree, with a mask over its head, and torn old style clothing on it's body. I screamed. I pointed to the tree to show the others. I couldn't do anything else, because I was in shock, frozen there, just screaming and pointing. "Oh fuck!" Sam yelled. "Brother, what the fuck is that? Is that a body? We need to go! Right now!" Sam had the camera pointed at it, watching it swing back and forth. Why were we still here? This wasn't right. Denise started to cry, and Corey took her into his arms, hiding her face. Jake didn't say anything, but stood there, shellshocked, I think not really believing what was in front of his face. "We need to go Sam. NOW," Colby said sternly, wrapping his arms around me, from the front so that I was shielded from that awful view. "Yeah, let's go. This just feels...wrong," Sam replied. We took off at a fast walk, that actually ended up being a run by the time we got back to the car. It was quiet in the car at first, all of us trying to comprehend what in the hell we had just witnessed. "They said you could see apparitions hanging from the tree. Was that an actual ghost? Stuck in a time loop maybe, of it's own death?" Corey asked, still holding Denise against him. 

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