~19 || The one

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Daydream – DAY 8

-Heesun's POV-

The clock was marking midnight when both of the rings appeared on each other's finger. Jinyoung and you were clueless on what to do and what might be coming next; both were still sitting down on the same spot as the fire from the fireplace vanished, the northern lights disappeared, and immediately another note made its way to Jinyoung's hands.

He opened it and immediately started to read it for both to hear.

"The dreams are connected, you did what was told. I wonder if it's fate or even just luck, but both are stronger than someone ever expected. You should be grateful to be meeting through this magic place, and soon enough it'll vanish from everybody's head. There's always a way to end things, and now that 'the one' arrived, this place is meant to be destroyed for good.

Lessons were taught to the three entities that stand in this land of dreams and pain. Now, it is about time to meet the last phase of the daydreams, and the last challenge of the Linking Dreams. Enjoy, and keep on dreaming after this".

Jinyoung and you looked at each other confused when suddenly, the walls from the cabin started to meltdown while the day and night were changing drastically. Both of you immediately got towards one another and started to hug each other, but as soon as you did it, the rings started to shine a bright light which made both see everything white. Then, you passed out and didn't even know what was going on afterwards, the only thing you felt was Jinyoung's embrace fading away.

*Moments later*

You are here safe and sound. It seems you returned to the beach, the last place you thought you'll come back to. You are looking around and there's no sign of Jinyoung nearby, which made you feel worried again.

Do I have to search for him before he dies again?

It was getting troublesome to figure out what to do, after all, you were never good inside these dreams. But you didn't have to do much, as soon as you saw someone approaching you, it was obvious that this was the last part of the Daydreams, which seems that isn't a good thing after what happened at the cabin.

The clothes you had on changed again, now, you had some gear on and it seems something rough is heading your way. It looks like you were dressed for war.

-Do you like the outfit? I designed it myself – You heard someone say.

-Who are you? – You asked.

A girl is approaching you from afar.

-I think we never met correctly – She said. –But I'm here to answer all the questions you wanted to know about – She assured.

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