~3 || Thinking out loud

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*Next day*

-Heesun's POV-

This morning everything went alright; a lot of work and finished choreographies with Alia's help. You feel happier today since you received great news from Yoomin's side. This morning she told you that new articles about "Linking Dreams" are coming out today, however, you don't know at what specific hour they'll be uploaded in the medical explorer.

As for now, you are placing your things away since it was your break time. Briefly, you received a text coming from Yoomin.

- "The articles are uploaded. Let's check them out together! Can you come to my office? – Yoomin.

Without hesitation, you agreed on meeting her and answered the text. Then, you picked up everything in a hurry before going out of the label's building.

For many, this might be crazy; helping in an investigation that has to do with a rare phenomenon, which almost ended with the guy you love and your life itself. However, you can say that you are doing this because of Jinyoung, after all, you want to get rid of his nightmares and also... find the true meaning of the "Linking Dreams". You believe the dreams need to have some sort of explanation and it might have a deeper meaning than what it was already stated by it. You are curious and decided to do this effort and confront such a difficult phenomenon, still, you don't know if everything will come out as you want.

*Moments later*

You arrived at the laboratories Yoomin manages, and as you were told, the search for Yoomin's office started before some of his co-workers took you to her experimental area.

-Oh! Heesun, I'm so glad you could come – Yoomin smiled.

-It was important so, I needed to be here – You said kindly. -So, any good news? – You asked.

-Yes, they are essential for the investigation we have going on – Yoomin disclosed as both of you walked over to one of the tables. -We have three articles in total, all talking about the "Linking Dreams' phases" and the way people's perception changes through them – She explained.

-Nice – You murmured amazed.

-Indeed – She nodded. -However, I noticed that all this information is already out there... I think I might be missing something but I can't know exactly what since I haven't been in one – Yoomin revealed.

-I'm guessing you want me to check them out, right? – You questioned.

-Exactly, I need you to give them a look and try to connect ideas and other concepts or events – She told before sighing. -I know this might be hard for you since it wasn't the best experience you've ever had, still, I believe you can do a lot if you check them out – Yoomin spoke.

-No worries – You shook your head. -I'll do it – You smiled.

-Really? Thank you so much! If you need anything, just ask for it – Yoomin said happily. -I'll leave you here to concentrate; you have total freedom – She said before walking away from you, then she got out of her office.

Let's see what we have here.

You looked at the articles; already printed with colour and organized by number code. As you were looking at them, you grabbed the first article on the table – "About the dreams".

"The Linking Dreams are an awesome mindset that we can't control. There's something furthermore than electrons and different neurons taking place. It's almost like science couldn't explain this strange phenomenon. However, some recent investigations had thrown scientist to believe that this is a more psychological problem instead of a chemical reaction itself. Other experts in both areas think that it has to do with both.

As we all know, Linking Dreams are divided into three phases; White Dream, Black Dream and Nightmare. The White Dream is described as the beginning of the imaginary world; no pain, no obstacles, an easy way out and the phase where two individuals reunite to be one. The Black Dream in the middle of it all; pain, fears and events from the past will attack in any corner. Safety of both individuals is key to get out of the phase without pain. Last but not least, The Nightmare; the final phase of it all where the biggest fear of them all appears and the only way out is to find the real reason of being with the person chosen by the Linking Dream".


-Jinyoung's POV-

Today's time at the studio was different than usual since I didn't get the chance to see Heesun around. It was odd since she didn't reply to my calls all day, still, she hasn't replied. I believe I shouldn't worry since she might need some time by herself as well, to be transparent, I think I've been putting a lot of weight on her shoulders. After all, my nightmares are playing a huge role in our relationship.

Currently, I'm with Jackson at the dorms. Tonight, I want to spend the time here with my members since it's been a couple of nights without them; I missed to get stressed out with their pranks and laugh with their jokes. As we are used to doing, Jackson and I are talking before going to sleep... hopefully, I don't have a nightmare again.

-It's good to see that you aren't looking at the phone anymore – Jackson teased.

-Yah! I wasn't looking at it that much – I complained embarrassedly.

He chuckled softly. -I'm sure that nothing bad happened to her; she might be doing something from work. I heard that the main team of the label will have a lot of work to do – Jackson told.

-I hope you are right – I said while stretching my arms, then I laid down on my bed. -Do you think that I'm a burden to her? – I questioned.

-No, not at all – Jackson sighed. -She won't leave you, hyung – He assured.

-I'm sorry for getting so emotional but I know that I can tell you anything – I smiled slightly.

-Of course, you can! – Jackson grinned. -And as a friend and brother, I want you to stop thinking about bad stuff; that's not good for your health – He complained.

-I'll try... is just that, I don't want her to leave me – I admitted before stroking my hair frustratedly.

-No, no more bad thoughts! – Jackson complained before laying down on top of me.

-Yah! Get off – I chuckled.

-Are you going to stop? – Jackson questioned.

-Fine – I sighed.

-Good – He laughed before sitting down beside me. -You should be thinking about the concert and our fans – Jackson told.

-I should, right? – I smiled. -It was nice to know about the special concert for Ahgases. They truly deserve it – I spoke.

-Agree...! I can't wait to see the special stages of the others – Jackson said while laying down. -We'll have such a blast – He said happily.

-I hope you don't bother me this time – I joked.

-Ha! I already have a target on – Jackson chuckled.

-JB-hyung? – I asked.

-Maybe – He closed his eyes happily. -I have many ideas – Jackson said.

I sighed. -You are unstoppable – I grinned.

-Of course – Jackson admitted. -Tomorrow, you should sing your heart out... if you still feel down about everything that happened with you and Heesun, you should express it as you know best – He suggested.

-Thanks, bud. I'll try to do my best – I smiled before cluttering his hair.

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